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Customer journey canvas. Experience Map. Experience maps have become more prominent over the past few years, largely because companies are realizing the interconnectedness of the cross-channel experience. It’s becoming increasingly useful to gain insight in order to orchestrate service touchpoints over time and space. But I still see a dearth of quality references. When someone asks me for examples, the only good one I can reference is nForm’s published nearly two years ago. However, I believe their importance exceeds their prevalence. I’m often asked what defines a good experience map.

You could call an experience map a deliverable, although, as the current 4-letter word of UX, that may make some people gag a little bit. But really, it’s a model. But it’s not just about the illustration of the journey (that would simply be a journey map). Rail Europe experience map. I almost always apply five critical components that make an experience map useful.

First Steps An overall inventory of touchpoints for Rail Europe. The Lens. ExperiencePrototyping. Service Design Tools | Communication methods supporting design processes. Decode Each Customer Decision Journey. Customers and Value. JOURNEY MAP. Serivce Quality and Customer Satisfaction. Services Marketing. 4fddf09 Perceptions. Satisfaction.