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Robotlegs AS3 Micro-Architecture - Home. Flixel a flash game library and coding community - Homepage. FlashPunk Library. AS3 Game Programming. ActionScript 3 Collection Class — Michael James Williams. A while ago I was trying to find a Collection class that I could use in some Flash project or other, and I kept coming up empty-handed.

Eventually I realised that the Array class had a lot more functionality than I was expecting (having based my assumptions on how arrays work in other languages), and it served my purpose for a while. Eventually I needed something a little more powerful, so I wrote a Collection class myself, using an array as a base. I think the benefits of this class will be obvious to anyone that uses tags on a regular basis. I’ve included some examples and benefits at the bottom of the post. If you’re interested, you can grab here. Public Methods and Properties I’ve removed the methods and properties from Array that were not relevant (like anything to do with sorting) but I’ve kept the rest, as well as adding a few new ones.

Methods from the Array class: Methods very similar to those from the Array class: Properties very similar to those from the Array class: Flash - AS3 Tutorials - Building a Flash game with Actionscript 3 - Swinburne Faculty of Design Tutorials - free video tutorials. Author: Bill Trikojus Back Like this? Click a link below to share it... 2008-09-09: bong said:hey thanks for this ... this is really gread can you post an iphone or downloadable? 2008-09-09: Bill Trikojus said:it should eventually appear on the Swinburne Podcats so just subscribe to that. cheers--------iStaySafe - Emergency App for iPhone2008-09-09: bong said:ok thanks dude.2008-11-11: Raul said:Bill, this is a great tutorial. Garbage posts and SPAM will be deleted. FlashDevelop: The Basics | Jeff Nehlsen: A Nerd's Life. Over the past couple weeks of research and practice, I’ve learned a few things about my workflows and how to improve them.

When I was doing research on Box2D, I ran across an awesome set of video tutorials which introduced me to using FlashDevelop for more than just a basic code editor. FlashDevelop is an open source IDE designed specifically for the Flash platform (AS2/AS3), although it supports other languages, too. With FlashDevelop you are able to create and organize your Flash projects and easily import and use external libraries with some excellent code hinting and shortcuts.

Since FlashDevelop has helped me so much and I feel stupid for not realizing its true potential before, I thought I would share what I have learned through a quick tutorial on how to set up FlashDevelop to work with a Flash Professional project and how to link to an external library without having to make a copy of the library. FlashDevelop's New Project window Add File Dialogue and Browse for Base Class.