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Websites for images

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ACCESS: YouTube. The Dropbox | Library Market. Gratisography: Free, use as you please, high-resolution pictures. Find Images for Blogs & Social Media with Embed. Cómo publicar en un blog o sitio web 1. Introduce un término de búsqueda en la 2. Sitúa el puntero sobre una imagen y haz clic en el icono </>. 3. Copia y pega el código en tu sitio web o blog. Pasa el puntero sobre una imagen y haz clic en el botón Insertar para encontrar el código de inserción Haz clic en un icono para insertar o compartir un enlace en una red social. Cómo compartir en redes sociales 2. 3. Digital Gallery. Commons:The National Archives (United Kingdom) The National Archives is the official archive of the UK government and England and Wales, looking after and making available to the public a collection of historical records dating back over 1,000 years. Thanks to a partnership with Wikimedia UK, the National Archives has been able to digitise and release into the public domain over 350 images from our collection of almost 2,000 original artworks by war artists working for the Ministry of Information during the Second World War.

We hope we will eventually be able to release the whole collection. This project aims to make the best possible use of these images across Wikimedia projects and ultimately to link The National Archives' catalogue back to definitive information on Commons. We have done some very basic categorisation of these images but we know very little about some of the artists and many of the works are anonymous. The images can all be found in this category Some ways you might help: Galerie de The National Archives UK. Wellcome Images. Europeana - Homepage. CC Search.