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Pornographic culture

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SnapChat's New Feature Cosmo After Dark Is Porn—and There Are No Parental Controls. Yesterday I stumbled across an article from a site I love, and you should ALL SUBSCRIBE TO, Protect Young Eyes. I immediately felt compelled to share the information in that article with you, my readers, because this is SERIOUS business. Chris McKenna did a fabulous job educating parents about the newest, most heinous, disgusting SnapChat feature – Cosmo After Dark – and it’s my aim here to simply amplify his message.

Because, as McKenna says, Cosmo After Dark is quite clearly and simply pornography that is up-front and easily accessible to anyone who uses SnapChat – i.e. YOUR CHILD. Fair warning, the content here is RATED R, that’s as tame as I can keep it and still keep YOU properly informed. Cosmo After Dark is a new channel on SnapChat’s “discover” section that goes live every Friday at 6 p.m. YUP. Why has SnapChat gone to this EXTREME – allowing this content to be a huge feature when they KNOW they have a huge amount of underage users?

Why is this a huge problem? Mic drop, McKenna. 5 Surefire Ways to Train Your Kid to Use Porn. Before I get into five surefire ways to motivate your child to use pornography, let me establish two important points. The first is, no parent wants their child to become involved in pornography. We all can agree on this. The problem for many of us is, we do not understand the insidious allurement of pornography or how our behavior, though unintentional, can help shape a child to crave something that can lead him into a lifetime of slavery. There are always unintended consequences for our actions. We can’t act one way, good or bad, and not expect our actions to have unintended consequences. Like a rock dropped into a lake, there will always be a ripple effect to our attitudes and actions. Secondly, pornography for a man is not primarily about the physicality of a woman.

A woman’s appearance is an external magnet for the eye to enjoy, but the greater problem for the man is the cravings of the heart. Porn is a secret world that resides in the heart. Prostitution, porn, and abortion: three sides of the same coin. Sept. 25, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) - Never in human history has there been a time in which the buying and selling of human flesh, in one form or another, has been more prevalent. Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. Pornography depicting the brutalization of women and girls is among the most popular material on the Internet. And abortion, the financed destruction of tiny human beings developing in the womb, claims the lives of almost 42 million pre-born children each year.

The first time I fully realized how dehumanizing the “sex trade” is was when I was a teenager, walking through the streets of Amsterdam with a student group from my school to visit the Church of Our Lord in the Attic, a hidden house church from the 1600s. More than 60% of the girls and women who work there report getting sexually assaulted. We have created a commodity culture, with one trend played out over and over again: Objectification leads to dehumanization.

Dr. It Doesn’t Hurt to Look, Does It? You might think viewing pornography can’t hurt a real-life relationship. Some even claim that erotic material impacts their relationships in positive ways. So a team of researchers at Florida State University developed an experiment to determine how consuming pornography affects adults' commitment to romantic relationships. The research team recruited college students who were in heterosexual relationships and who viewed pornography on a regular basis. They were told the study was an investigation of “self-control” and were randomly assigned one of two activities to abstain from for a period of three weeks. Half of the students were asked to avoid looking at all materials showing nudity or sex, including websites, videos, and magazines. They were encouraged to be honest and to record in a daily calendar if and when they were not successful. Feeling less committed to a relationship is one thing. Why Is This Happening? Pornografia nos EUA deve ser tratada como crise de saúde pública, alertam especialistas.

A pornografia tornou-se tão generalizada nos EUA que merece ser tratada como uma “crise de saúde pública” a combater, tal como o tabaco ou o álcool ao volante, defendem especialistas. “A pornografia é, hoje, a forma mais vulgarizada de educação sexual. Os estudos mostram que a idade média com que um americano é exposto pela primeira vez a imagens pornográficas está entre os 11 e os 14 anos e, acredite-me, não estamos a falar da Playboy do papá”, resumiu à AFP Gail Dines, professora de sociologia e de estudos femininos no Wheelock College de Boston e autora de livros sobre a matéria. “Essas imagens degradantes e misóginas são moeda corrente e despojam os jovens do direito a uma sexualidade realmente sã.” “É um sector com uma influência considerável”, acrescentou Dines, falando numa conferência de imprensa organizada quinta-feira na capital americana, Washington, antes do arranque de uma cimeira – descrita como a primeira do género – sobre os malefícios da pornografia.

Nome da cimeira? Philip Zimbardo: The demise of guys? TEDxGlasgow - Gary Wilson - The Great Porn Experiment. Russell Brand Talks Sex, Softcore & Hardcore Porn.