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#Syrie5ans : les chiffres qui montrent l’ampleur de la guerre. En cinq ans, plus de la moitié des Syriens ont dû quitter leur ville ou leur pays à cause du conflit.

#Syrie5ans : les chiffres qui montrent l’ampleur de la guerre

En mars 2011, il s’agissait de manifestations pacifiques pour réclamer plus de liberté. Les affrontements avec le régime de Bachar Al-Assad se sont transformés en guerre civile, puis en conflit international dont la population syrienne est la première victime. Quelques chiffres permettent de comprendre l’ampleur du drame qui touche la Syrie. 250 000, 370 000 ? L’épineux décompte des morts Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme avait recensé 191 000 morts en Syrie entre le début du conflit et le printemps 2014, en se basant sur différentes sources émanant du gouvernement syrien, des rebelles, et d’organismes indépendants. Philippa Willitts : Personne n’a fondamentalement « droit » à des rapports sexuels, même pas les personnes handicapées.

A Human Rights Scandal – by Kat Banyard. Mia de Faoite’s tattoo marking the date she left prostitution The Vice President of a group that officially advised a top UN body on its prostitution policy was jailed earlier this year for sex trafficking.

A Human Rights Scandal – by Kat Banyard

Global Network of Sex Work Projects. Veteran sex worker rights activist and human rights defender, Alejandra Gil has been in custody on remand for charges related to Human Trafficking.

Global Network of Sex Work Projects

The prosecution is still looking for evidence while finalising their case and all the while it is not certain when the final judgement will be reached by the Court in Mexico. Meet the Sex Worker Running for Office in the UK - VICE. Evidence shows that ending demand works: A response to Noy Thrupkaew and the attack on the Swedish approach to prostitution. Law enforcement, intellectuals, politicians, and activists all over the United States—last month, even President Obama—are discussing legal approaches toward the related scourges of human trafficking and prostitution.

Evidence shows that ending demand works: A response to Noy Thrupkaew and the attack on the Swedish approach to prostitution

Recognizing that prostitution is a form of sex inequality related to gender-based violence, the Swedish approach criminalizes the purchaser, while decriminalizing the prostituted person, and has dramatically reduced prostitution and human trafficking since 1999. The law has also been adopted in Norway and Iceland. Particularly with the amendment Sweden made in 2011 that enables prostituted persons to claim damages directly from purchasers for violating their equality and dignity, it would fit well as a civil rights law in America. Nonetheless, some critics keep citing inaccurate and biased data, saying the law would not work in the U.S.

TEDxGlasgow - Gary Wilson - The Great Porn Experiment. “EVERYBODY CRIES THEIR FIRST TIME” Avec “Future Sex”, Emily Witt explore et célèbre les possibles sexuels. La New-Yorkaise Emily Witt s’est lancée dans une enquête sur la sexualité des Américains: dating online, porno, webcam girls, méditation orgasmique.

Avec “Future Sex”, Emily Witt explore et célèbre les possibles sexuels

Comment vivre une sexualité épanouie hors du couple? Exploration d’une multitude de possibles dans Future Sex. Après une énième rupture, la New-Yorkaise Emily Witt, 33 ans et journaliste (notamment au New Yorker), s’est retrouvée dans une impasse: condamnée à des nuits sans lendemain avec quelques-uns de ses amis et rêvant toujours du grand amour, comme la société continue de nous l’offrir en modèle. Et si elle allait passer sa vie célibataire, allait-elle devoir pour autant se priver de sexe? C’est sur ce postulat que s’ouvre son premier livre, Future Sex: une enquête sur les différents possibles sexuels aux États-Unis. Qu’est-ce qui vous a donné envie d’enquêter sur les pratiques sexuelles aux États-Unis? What Do You Desire? On a Monday last April, I stood in line at JFK Airport to board a plane to San Francisco.

What Do You Desire?

Before me stood a silver-headed West Coast businessman. His skin had the exfoliated, burnished sheen of the extremely healthy; his glasses were of an advanced polymer; he had dark jeans. He wore the recycled ethylene-vinyl acetate shoes that are said never to smell. His fleece coat was of an extraordinary thickness and quality, with a lissome external layer that would not pill.

Meet the academic who thinks prostitution should be legalised because men need more sex. “Trying to stop prostitution through criminalising it is a complete waste of public money.

Meet the academic who thinks prostitution should be legalised because men need more sex

It is bound to fail. " Dr Catherine Hakim “Women have equality in the workplace, but they do not have they equality in private relationships,” says Dr Hakim, whose previous book, The New Rules, compared married men to “caged animals”. “It’s a shocking difference: men are twice as interested in sex as women and it is the same around the world. Surveys show we see the male sex deficit in Sweden, France, Spain, Japan and South America. “It is hard-wired into us: men, on average, are more highly sexed than women. “It’s across all age groups, but as soon as you hit 30, the gap starts growing dramatically. Academics complain research into sex workers in London unreliable. Top academics involved in sex research have launched an attack on "seriously flawed" research into British brothels.

Academics complain research into sex workers in London unreliable

The academics claim that research into prostitution in the UK published last month by the Poppy Project, which is partly funded by the Ministry of Justice, is inaccurate and unethical. The research in the Big Brothel report "exhibits serious flaws in its mode of data collection and analysis," they warn. The group of 27 key figures in sex work research from prestigious universities across the UK and overseas claim the report was conducted with neither ethical approval nor acknowledgement of evidence and co-authored by a journalist known for producing anti-prostitution findings.

The Poppy Project has received £5.8m in government funding and the women and equality minister, Harriet Harman, has publicly endorsed the organisation. The report's findings lend weight to Home Office moves to make it against the law to pay for sex. She called the report a "shocker". Mormon War on Porn - VICE Video: Documentaries, Films, News Videos. Global Network of Sex Work Projects. In her essay “Inventing Sex Work” (which appears in the anthology Whores and Other Feminists edited by Jill Nagle), Carol Leigh aka Scarlot Harlot wrote that, in 1979 or 1980, she attended a conference in San Francisco by Women Against Violence in Pornography and Media.

Global Network of Sex Work Projects

She had intended to be “a sort of ambassador to this group, educating feminists about prostitution.” However, she discovered that the workshop on prostitution included the phrase “Sex Use Industry.” “The words stuck out and embarrassed me.” She wrote. “How could I sit amid other women as a political equal when I was being objectified like that, described only as something used, obscuring my role as actor and agent in the transaction?” Leigh suggested that the title be changed to “Sex Work Industry” as that prioritised the work of the provider rather than the customer. “The usage of the term “sex work” marks the beginning of a movement.” Trade Unions and Prostitution – The Feministahood.

In 1977 a Swedish project was launched to discover the everyday reality of prostituted women’s lives.

Trade Unions and Prostitution – The Feministahood

Researchers interviewed hundreds of women, johns and pimps. What they found exploded the old Victorian myths that prostitution resulted from a biological urge in men and a mental defect in the women. Instead they found it was something that men do to women with tragic consequences. Around the same time feminists, such as Kathleen Barry and Andrea Dworkin, in the United States and elsewhere were making a powerful analysis of pornography and prostitution as key elements in the systematic subordination of women.

As a result the sex industry had a serious image problem on its hands. Richard Poulin, faux expert et vrai putophobe. Texte publié initialement sur le site Recherche Travail Sexuel. Femministescludenti. Juno Mac: The laws that sex workers really want. Ufficiale: da Giugno la Prostituzione sarà Legale anche in Italia! - Il Corriere d'Italia. Ufficiale a partire da Giugno 2017, La prostituzione sarà finalmente legale anche in Italia. Dopo Olanda, Inghilterra, Belgio, Germania e Francia anche nel nostro Paese, da ora in poi, si potrà esercitare nel pieno rispetto della legge e nella piena protezione data dallo stato, il mestiere più antico del mondo.