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Raspberry Pi

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London #raspberrypi #raspberryjam for 11-16 year olds (with images, tweets) · MayDupname. Geek Gurl Diaries Episode 13: Little Box of Geek Raspberry Pi & Thermal Printer Project Part 1. Raspberry Pi in action: our developer puts it through its paces - video. The Raspberry Pi's role in the future of digital learning - video. A dozen things to do with a Raspberry Pi. In a world of polished computers, the Raspberry Pi has arrived to remind us that, with nothing more than time, patience and an exposed circuit board, you can create almost anything.

A dozen things to do with a Raspberry Pi

Here are a few of the projects RPi pioneers have devised over the past year. You will need an RPi and SD card, a self-assembly Nixie Clock kit (or digital clock capable of accepting GPS or microcontroller data), a Wi-Fi dongle or ethernet cable. Nixie tube clocks, with their neon digits, are popular with nostalgic electronics fans. So you got a Raspberry Pi: now what? Ten Tips for New Raspberry Pi Owners. Merry Christmas, makers!

Ten Tips for New Raspberry Pi Owners

We’re guessing a lot of you found Raspberry Pis under the tree this morning and are eager to start hacking around with it. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, which I co-authored with Shawn Wallace, will be shipping very soon and is available for pre-order now. In the meantime, we’ve compiled a list of a few of our favorite quick tips that may come in handy as you explore the platform.