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Drug & The Mind. Ayahuasca & DMT. DMT. Brain Plasticity: How learning changes your brain. You may have heard that the brain is plas­tic. As you know the brain is not made of plas­tic! Neu­ro­plas­tic­ity or brain plas­tic­ity refers to the brain’s abil­ity to CHANGE through­out life. The brain has the amaz­ing abil­ity to reor­ga­nize itself by form­ing new con­nec­tions between brain cells (neurons). In addi­tion to genetic fac­tors, the envi­ron­ment in which a per­son lives, as well as the actions of that per­son, play a role in plasticity. Neu­ro­plas­tic­ity occurs in the brain: 1– At the begin­ning of life: when the imma­ture brain orga­nizes itself.2– In case of brain injury: to com­pen­sate for lost func­tions or max­i­mize remain­ing functions.3– Through adult­hood: when­ever some­thing new is learned and memorized Plas­tic­ity and brain injury A sur­pris­ing con­se­quence of neu­ro­plas­tic­ity is that the brain activ­ity asso­ci­ated with a given func­tion can move to a dif­fer­ent loca­tion as a con­se­quence of nor­mal expe­ri­ence, brain dam­age or recovery.

Erowid. What is a Meme? | The Daily Meme. This is the definition page for “What is a meme?” The main page for The Daily Meme is People often ask, “What is a Meme?” So here’s a more than a little information on that. I pronounce it so it’s rhymes with ‘dream’; some pronounce it so it sounds like ‘mem’ (from mem-ory). First off, technically many of the sites here are not actually memes. In the context of web logs / ‘blogs / blogging and other kinds of personal web sites it’s some kind of list of questions that you saw somewhere else and you decided to answer the questions. By some other definitions memes are viral and propagate around sometimes mutating as they propagate. Eventually some people decided they were going to creating weekly questionnaires (memes) and post them every week. Personally I liked these sites; sometimes they give me things to write about that I would have never started the topic on my own.

Other information from around the web A meme is: Terence McKenna. Internet Meme Database. An Affair Of the Head. It's all about dopamine, baby, this One Great True Love, this passionate thing we'd burn down the house and blow up the car and drive from Houston to Orlando just to taste on the tip of the tongue. You crave it because your brain tells you to. Because if a wet kiss on the suprasternal notch -- while, say, your lover has you pinned against a wall in the corner of a dance club -- doesn't fire up the ventral tegmentum in the Motel 6 of your mind, well, he's not going to send you roses tomorrow. Dopamine. God's little neurotransmitter. Better known by its street name, romantic love.

Also, norepinephrine. These chemicals are natural stimulants. "Love is a drug," says Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University and author of "Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love. " Passion! Why do we suspect this isn't going to end well? Because these things are hard-wired not to last, all of them. Mind Viruses | culture, science, politics, & religion through a memetic lens. The Chemistry of Love. By MatchWhen sparks fly between two people, we're quick to say they have "chemistry. " Not everyone realizes that such couples literally have do have chemistry--it's what's behind those sweaty palms, the jumpy stomach, thumping heart, and nervous jitters.

Chemistry also contributes to that warm, comfortable feeling you get from being with a longtime partner. In the mid-1960's, psychologist Dorothy Tennov surveyed 400 people about what it's like to be in love. Many of her respondents talked about fear, shaking, flushing, weakness, and stammering. Indeed, when human beings are attracted to one another, it sets off quite a chain reaction in the body and brain.

But there's a perfectly logical explanation to those intense feelings. The most well-known love-related chemical is phenylethylamine -- or "PEA" -- a naturally occurring trace ammine in the brain. Feeling Dopey You can also get a non-romantic dose of PEA from high-intensity activities like skydiving, or by eating chocolate. . © Match.