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Doctor Who

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1.21 Gigwatts Not Required. One of our regular features here at TTZ is Back 2 the Whoture, in which we are watching the entirety of Doctor Who in chronological order. That is to say order in which they happened in universal time, as opposed to from the Doctor's point of view. Episodes in pink are ones we've done and green is what we are watching for our next issue.

Want to join in the fun? Watch the episodes and send in your comments (250 words or less per story) to the usual place. Castravalva Edge of Destruction Time Flight Time and the Rani An Unearthly Child Genesis of the Daleks The Time Monster The Myth Makers The Horns of Nimon The Keys of Marinus The Romans The Fires of Pompeii The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang The Time Meddler The Time Warrior. Which Doctor Who companion are you? (girls) Index. RASSILON, OMEGA, and that OTHER Guy "A full summary of the Great Houses' activities over the aeons would be unimaginably long and mostly tedious... " -The Book of the War NOTE: If you can read this line of text then the black back ground to this page didn't load. 95% of the text is colored so don't worry about it too much. The stuff in white is all Fan Speculation and stuff from the Benny Novels. You can read the white text by "selecting it" with your mouse.

I'll try to get this problem fixed. INTRODUCTION: Greetings. PURPOSE: I have (shall we say 'an obsessive'? THE HISTORY OF GALLIFREYExhaustive time lines of Gallifrey's history. PART I: THE DARK TIME(Event Zero & Ancient Gallifrey) PART II: THE TIME OF LEGEND (Rassilon Omega and the Other) PART III: MIDDLE GALLIFREY (The Pre-Doctor Era) PART IV: MODERN GALLIFREY (The Doctor - Renegade Era) PART V: LATER GALLIFREY (The Doctor - Time's Champion) GALLIFREY STUFF (Astronomy, ecology, biology, sociology, and more stuff) Defending the Earth! Because friends stick together.

Doctor Who - Sounds. BBC One - Doctor Who - Past Doctors. Who is Doctor Who? Доктор Кто, Торчвуд: новости, субтитры, клипы, фанфики + Time Lord from Gallifrey. Into The Vortex Flash Game. TARDIS Index File, the Doctor Who wiki. Doctor Who Scarf. Comic Who. Tardisbluenet. THE JOURNAL OF IMPOSSIBLE THINGS: A TRANSCRIPT.