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Zooming Gallery. Photo Zoom Out Effect with jQuery. Flickr Image Stack Demo. Zoomooz.js. Zoomooz is: 6KB gzipped and 18KB minified. This includes everything but jQuery. Make any web page zoom. Latest version: 1.1.9 (Nov 11, 2013, hacky fix for the back and forward buttons #66) Zoomooz is a jQuery plugin for making web page elements zoom. Quirky transformations You can zoom to elements that have been translated, scaled and skewed, and they will morph correctly. Try by clicking on these: Skew Scale Rotate There is some interesting stuff happening in the background to make the morphings work.

Adding Zoomooz to your web page Just add this to your web page head and you should be up and running with Zoomooz: The easy way to zoom Simply add "zoomTarget" to the element you want to zoom to when clicked on: <div class="zoomTarget">This element zooms when clicked on. You can also add some additional attributes for tuning the animation as data fields of the element: <div class="zoomTarget" data-targetsize="0.45" data-duration="600">This element zooms when clicked on. Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4. jQuery Zoom. A plugin to enlarge images on touch, click, or mouseover. Demo Hover Grab Released under the MIT License, source on Github (changelog) Download Compatible with: jQuery 1.7+ in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 7+. Install via NPM npm install jquery-zoom Instructions Zoom appends html inside the element it is assigned to, so that element has to be able to accept html, like <a>, <span>, <li>, <div>, etc.

To use zoom with img elements, they will need to be wrapped with another element. Removing Zoom Trigger the zoom.destroy event to remove zoom from an element: $('#example').zoom(); $('#example').trigger('zoom.destroy'); Settings Hey, Epic Image Zoom Preview. 55 jQuery Animate Resources | Have Fun With jQuery Animate. Back in the day most people would use Flash on their website in order to enhance their website with stunning animation.

Now, jQuery is a power house programming language that webmasters have at their disposal. Now slowly but steadily jQuery has stolen all the limelight from Flash and has fascinated the developers with its unmatchable features. jQuery is known as write less do more script. jQuery Animate in such a wonderful tool that you don’t even have to consider using flash anymore. We have collected a ton of really great jQuery Animate Tutorials which will open new doors of possibilities for you. We are presenting a whopping list of tutorials and plugins which will show you how you can create wonderful animations using jQuery. Advertisement Create a Cool Animated Navigation with CSS and jQuery Author is going to build a really cool animated navigation menu using just CSS and jQuery. More Information on Create a Cool Animated Navigation with CSS and jQuery Bubble Engine – Plugin for jQuery. JQuery Cycle Plugin. Check out Cycle2, the latest in the Cycle line of slideshows.

The jQuery Cycle Plugin is a slideshow plugin that supports many different types of transition effects. It supports pause-on-hover, auto-stop, auto-fit, before/after callbacks, click triggers and much more. It also supports, but does not require, the Easing Plugin. The plugin provides a method called cycle which is invoked on a container element. Each child element of the container becomes a "slide". Options control how and when the slides are transitioned. Images are used in these demos because they look cool, but slideshows are not limited to images. Use the Effects Browser page to preview the available effects. For more about options, see the Options Reference page. Frequently Asked Questions Special thanks to Torsten Baldes, Matt Oakes, and Ben Sterling for the many ideas that got me started on writing Cycle in 2007.

Javascript lightboxes

Jsfiddle. Dragging. Rounded corners. Popup. Events. Attach a handler to an event for the elements. Bind an event handler to the “blur” JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element. Bind an event handler to the “change” JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element. Bind an event handler to the “click” JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element. Bind an event handler to the “dblclick” JavaScript event, or trigger that event on an element. Attach a handler to one or more events for all elements that match the selector, now or in the future, based on a specific set of root elements. Remove event handlers previously attached using .live() from the elements.

Bind an event handler to the “error” JavaScript event. The current DOM element within the event bubbling phase. An optional object of data passed to an event method when the current executing handler is bound. The element where the currently-called jQuery event handler was attached. Returns whether event.preventDefault() was ever called on this event object. Tutorials. Javascript.

Javascript menus

Javascript. Javascript sliders. Cookies. Closure Tools. Accordian nested. jQuery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library. Image resizing croping. Tutorials:How jQuery Works. This is a basic tutorial, designed to help you get started using jQuery. If you don't have a test page setup yet, start by creating the following HTML page: The src attribute in the <script> element must point to a copy of jQuery. Download a copy of jQuery from the Downloading jQuery page and store the jquery.js file in the same directory as your HTML file. Note: When you download jQuery, the file name may contain a version number, e.g., jquery-x.y.z.js. To ensure that their code runs after the browser finishes loading the document, many JavaScript programmers wrap their code in an onload function: Unfortunately, the code doesn't run until all images are finished downloading, including banner ads.

Note: The jQuery library exposes its methods and properties via two properties of the window object called jQuery and $. $ is simply an alias for jQuery and it's often employed because it's shorter and faster to write. For example, inside the ready event, you can add a click handler to the link: