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HELPING the World

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Change for Change. Pencils of Promise. Literacy Partners. Pajama Program. Our Mission Pajama Program provides new pajamas and new books to children in need, many of whom are waiting and hoping to be adopted. These children live in various situations including group homes, shelters and temporary housing facilities and are shuffled often from one place to another. Many of them have been abandoned, abused or neglected. Most of these children have never enjoyed the simple comfort of having a mother or father tuck them in at bedtime with warm, clean pajamas and a bedtime story. Our Story “What are these?” This was not a question from a child on a school trip to a museum, but from Maria, a child in a shelter who was holding for the first time a new pair of pajamas. From experiences like this, Pajama Program 501(c)(3), founded in 2001, was created. Pajama Program serves children throughout the nation with 62 Chapters in 32 States. In order for us to expand our current programs, we need your support.

Hungry for Solutions: Can the Youth Fix the Future? On a recent late summer morning in Portland, Oregon, I walked past the downtown farmers' market, where vendors were setting up their lush displays of fruits and vegetables. Food was on my mind, but for a different reason. I was on my way to a forum for young people about how they could help fight world hunger. The Mercy Corps, a global humanitarian organization headquartered in Oregon, hosted the Portland Youth Summit as part of its Global Citizens Corps.

According to Erin Thomas, who served with the Peace Corps before working with Mercy Corps, the organization is increasingly looking to young people to help find solutions for global problems such as hunger. "We need your ideas to solve these problems," she told the audience of teens and young adults. "You are inheriting these challenges. As the panel of experts explained to a full auditorium, hunger is a multifaceted problem with no easy fixes. Resources for tackling world hunger as a classroom topic are plentiful. No Kid Hungry. WFP.

A Billion for a Billion. Heifer International. FreeRice. FreeRice Video. Waterkeeper Alliance. Charity: water. Children’s Safe Drinking Water. Safewater. Teachers Without Borders. Doctors Without Borders. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. IFRC. Women In Need - Charity for Homeless Women. West End Residences. Forty to None Project. Ali Forney Center.