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Chinese Dragon. Chinese Dragon Chinese Dragon, this mythological symbol dates back to 3000 BC and stands for happiness, immortality, procreation, fertility and activity.

Chinese Dragon

Chinese Dragons were believed to ward off evil spirits. Dragons and Dragon Lore: Chapter Ten: The Dragon's Precious Pearl. Sacred Texts Miscellaneous Legendary Creatures Index Previous Next Buy this Book at Dragons and Dragon Lore, by Ernest Ingersoll, [1928], at A MOST curious, interesting, and at the same time obscure feature of this whole baffling subject is that of the so-called Pearl which accompanies the dragon in pictures and legends from the earliest times, and is common to the religious traditions of the whole East--India, China and Japan.

Dragons and Dragon Lore: Chapter Ten: The Dragon's Precious Pearl

The Dragon and the Pearl. Jun 28, 2007 The Dragon and the Pearl One of the great mysteries of world mythology and symbolism is the universal association of a cosmic serpent with a glowing sphere in the heavens. The association is too consistent to be explained as accidental convergence. East-Asian dragons are almost invariably portrayed with a red sphere in their mouths, in front of their mouths, or-- as in Javanese art--on top of their heads.

How to Draw Tribal Dragon Art, Step by Step, Tribal Art, Pop Culture, FREE Online Drawing Tutorial, Added by Dawn, March 27, 2009, 12:15:34 pm.