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Z8CjFQm.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280 × 1035 pixels) - Scaled (80%) Do these 9 things to make this week your most productive week ever : productivity. HOME - The Pomodoro Technique®The Pomodoro Technique® What is The Pomodoro Technique?

HOME - The Pomodoro Technique®The Pomodoro Technique®

EASY for anyone to use! Improves productivity IMMEDIATELY! FUN to do! Things to do in your 5 minute break - The Pomodoro Technique®The Pomodoro Technique® Congratulations!

Things to do in your 5 minute break - The Pomodoro Technique®The Pomodoro Technique®

You’ve made it through a Pomodoro, and now it’s time for a short break. Since short breaks only last five minutes, and you’ll soon be diving into another Pomodoro, you should refrain from doing anything during your break that requires significant brain power. Also avoid thinking about what you’ve accomplished so far. These short breaks should be just that. How-to-focus_50290d04c13f4.jpg (JPEG Image, 1220 × 889 pixels) - Scaled (83%)