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4.2. Conectivismo: uma Teoria da Aprendizagem? | Da Web 2.0 ao e-Learning 2.0: Aprender na Rede. George Siemens (17-10-2003), no seu Learning Ecology, Communities, and Networks: Extending the Classroom, manifestava estas e outras preocupações, de simbiose entre o virtual e o físico, entre o mundo do trabalho, a aprendizagem formal e a aprendizagem informal, contínua, permanente, face a uma cultura institucional universitária e educativa, em geral, que pareciam alheadas das grandes mudanças em curso.

E escrevia o que parecia ser (e revelar-se-ia assim) o embrião para uma nova visão do conhecimento e da aprendizagem: What we know is less important than our capacity to continue to learn more. The connections we make (between individual specialized communities/bodies of knowledge) ensure that we remain current. These connections determine knowledge flow and continual learning (…) To remain relevant, education needs to align with the needs of learners and the changing climate of work. Courses are not effective when the field of knowledge they represent is changing rapidly. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Connectivism. Elearnspace. everything elearning. S/R | Stimulus/Response; Storage/Retrieval; Send/Receive. E-learning 2.0. This article or section is incomplete and its contents need further attention. Some sections may be missing, some information may be wrong, spelling and grammar may have to be improved etc. Use your judgment! 1 Definition E-learning 2.0 is "learning as a network phenomenon", e.g. web of user-generated content (eg. Wikipedia), social networks and communities (entails a genuinely portable (and owned) identity, Networks of interactions (aggregate, remix, repurpose, feed forward) - syndication, The personal learning centre (Downes, retrieved 17:06, 27 April 2007 (MEST) As opposed to e-learning “ When we think of learning content today, we probably think of a learning object.

Now Downes argues that “ the nature of the Internet, and just as importantly, the people using the Internet, has begun to change. Steve O'Hear (2006) argues in the same direction: “Like the web itself, the early promise of e-learning - that of empowerment - has not been fully realized. . “ What is E-learning 2.0? Daniel K. NaPraia. APRENDIZAGENS 2.0.