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Search Results. Eureka! Search Results What Flex taught me about data-binding August 10th, 2010 · 21 Comments Like most other developers, when I first came across the Flex data-binding, I thought of it as an interesting feature, but haven’t realized the true implications of it until much later. Data-binding in Flex has revolutionized the way I think about building UIs. To understand why data-binding is so revolutionary, let’s ... Tags: Uncategorized Dependency-Injection and JavaScript closures May 29th, 2010 · 21 Comments As you can tell I am a big fan of DI, but I kept hearing that DI is not needed with dynamic languages, so after using JS for many months I am happy to say that DI is important there as well. Do it Yourself – Dependency Injection May 26th, 2010 · 23 Comments A friend of mine has put together a set of documents which talk about do-it-yourself dependency-inject. Move over Java, I have fallen in love with JavaScript April 7th, 2010 · 44 Comments I spent the past year developing How to think about OO.

Perspectives. John Papa | Evangelist on the loose. Bruno Abrantes – Web Designer. .NET. Here’s a little magic trick in .NET: In ASafaWeb I have a facility to schedule scans at a certain time of day. Because I want to be all warm and fuzzy and user friendly, when people sign up to the service I ask for their time zone then whenever they schedule a scan they enter the time of day they’d like it to happen in their local time and I pull some magic tricks to make it happen. The process has been working flawlessly since the middle of last year – until this weekend when I started getting error notifications that something was amiss.

You see, the magic trick involved taking the time of day in the person’s local time zone, converting it to UTC then storing that in the database. This magic is made possible by using TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc and it works just like this: var sourceTime = new DateTime(2013, 3, 31, 1, 0, 0); var sourceTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("GMT Standard Time"); var utcTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(sourceTime, sourceTimeZone); Entity Framework how to stop your DBA having a heart attack - Simons SQL Blog. Stubbornella. No, no, I don’t mean intentionally sexist. What I’m talking about is when a product completely fails to understand the needs of a segment of it’s users, in this case women, and builds something that simply won’t work for them. It is built into the design. I have three examples, which is an admittedly small sample, I wonder if you have others?

Apple Store Staircase I recently had to take my Macbook air to the Genius bar to sort out some goblins which were messing up the works. Yeah, ok, so my hard drive got corrupted. I was sitting on the benches looking down to the first level, and I realized the stairs I had just walked up were quite transparent. The previous day had actually been hot in San Francisco (a thing that almost never happens), and I had taken advantage of the weather to wear a dress. Virtual Reality Makes Women Vomit Looking at this staircase, I started to make connections. The rough idea is that there are two ways of perceiving distance. Google, Real Names I was lucky. Blog. This is - the website of web developer, writer and speaker Rachel Andrew. The CSS Ninja - All things CSS, JavaScript & HTML. NCZOnline. Olav Bjørkøy (

Welcome – Bruce Lawson’s personal site : HTML5. Evangelia Dendramis asked me “why use role=contentinfo instead of role=footer for <footer>?” Role attributes are from the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) spec, and not part of HTML(5), although they’re allowed in pages. They’re developed by different groups, and for different reasons. ARIA is a bridging technlogy for any markup language – HTML4, SVG or HTML5 to “plugin” accessibility information that isn’t part of the host language: WAI-ARIA is intended to be a bridging technology.

It clarifies semantics to assistive technologies when authors create new types of objects, via style and script, that are not yet directly supported by the language of the page…It is expected that, over time, host languages will evolve to provide semantics for objects that currently can only be declared with WAI-ARIA. This is natural and desirable, as one goal of WAI-ARIA is to help stimulate the emergence of more semantic and accessible markup.

Responsive Images UK Government Web Misc Also see. Divya Manian. [brothercake] Paul Irish. Adactio: Jeremy Keith. JavaScript with Thomas Fuchs. Dmitry Baranovskiy’s Web Log. John Resig - JavaScript Programmer. Remy sharp’s b:log. Keith Clark - A freelance web developer based in the UK. Steve Souders - High Performance Web Sites.