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Shrink plastic ring tutorial. Thank you to everyone who requested a shrinkydinks ring tutorial! This tutorial is an experimental method, not an exact science – you should have fun playing with it… UPDATE: Since posting this very popular tutorial in 2008, I’ve answered every question imaginable in the comments of this post. If you have questions, you’re welcome to trawl back through the hundreds of comments to find my answers, or, to make things easier, I’ve compiled a 3-page shrinky rings FAQ, which is available exclusively when you donate $1 or more towards my tutorial (this also entitles you to further help from me by email, should you need it). Please see the end of this post for more details about this policy Please note: if you’ve come here via the lovely bird ‘ring’ picture on Pinterest, read this post to answer your questions.

This tutorial is Donationware – the instructions are available for free, but if you like it please consider sending me a donation to show your appreciation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. That’s it! Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub {for Mom} The Boy Trifecta: Dino Spike Crochet Pattern. I sort of think it does. Or at least it seems so to me. And I've definitely got the crochet bug these days. I've got a little monster running around my house these days, so I thought I'd create a hat to reflect his wild insane out-of-control hilariously adorable personality. Of course, this one modeling the hat, he's not a monster at all. I mean seriously, how can you not love those eyes? In case you have any little monsters that you would like to make this hat for, here's the dino spike pattern. Hook: 5mm (H) Yarn: Any worsted weight is fine - I used Wool-Ease.

Mark the first stitch in each round. Round 1: Make a magic loop/ring, and do 6 single crochets in the loop. Round 2: Single crochet around (6 sc) Round 3: 2 single crochet in first stitch, 1 sc in next stitch - repeat around (9 sc) Round 4: Single crochet in each stitch (9 sc) Round 5: 2 single crochet in first stitch, 1 sc in next stitch - repeat around (14 sc) Round 6: Single crochet around (14 sc) Happy crocheting!

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