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Générateur ludopédagogique du CRDP de l'Académie de versailles. Pages45-52_CA36.pdf (Objet application/pdf) - Aurora. Back to School App-pack - Aurora. The image above was created using PhotoshopTouch on an iPad and was then uploaded to Thinglink to create the hotspots.

Back to School App-pack - Aurora

The summer is quickly winding down & a number of teachers will be returning to their classroom with new mobile devices (iPads). Throughout the summer I have been conducting workshops on iPad integration with EdTechTeacher and I thought it might be helpful to pull together a back to school list of apps structured around specific classroom goals. While many schools may already have an Apple VPP program already in place, I know a number of teachers will also be purchasing the apps themselves. Therefore, I will do my best to include both a pay & free app for each objective. I want my students to create & publish video: iMovie (4.99) - record, edit and publish movies directly to the web from iMovie. Teachers Easy Guide to The Most Important Web Tools in Education - Aurora.

When it comes to using web resources with our students, time plays a decisive role.It is next to impossible for a busy teacher restricted by curriculum constraints, day to day lesson preparations, assignment corrections, to mention but a few of his chores, to effectively search the web and find the adequate resources to share with his/ her students.

Teachers Easy Guide to The Most Important Web Tools in Education - Aurora

Most people just do not have the time to learn all these technologies and some educators pick just one or two websites of interest and start exploring them. This is definitely not the right thing to do particularly if you want to leverage the huge potential of technology into your classroom.There is, however, a simple roudabout to this problem. Look for educational technology blogs ( such as the one you are reading now ) and subscribe to their feeds to stay updated about the latest web tools to use in your instruction. 1- A List of The Best Video Editing Tools for Teachers 2- A List of The Best Digital Story Telling Tools for Teachers.

CRDP de Franche-Comté : Écriture collaborative #1. Ces dossiers thématiques sont archivés, nous attirons votre attention sur leur date de mise à jour.

CRDP de Franche-Comté : Écriture collaborative #1

Etherpad,, Framapad, des outils à utiliser avec les élèves pour créer du texte à plusieurs, écrire, partager, commenter…en ligne, sans installer de fichier ou d'application sur les ordinateurs d’une salle multimédia, pas d’inscription nécessaire…mais il faut une bonne connexion Internet… La possibilité d'écrire à plusieurs de manière spontanée, aussi facilement qu'avec le papier crayon, est un atout, d'autant plus que l'on peut imaginer une utilisation sur des supports (ordinateurs, tablettes, smartphone) dans et hors des établissements scolaires.

On peut aussi inviter d’autres utilisateurs, ils peuvent co-écrire et utiliser la zone de chat pour dialoguer. On entre dans la sphère du travail collaboratif : créez un « pad » et c’est parti ! Mise en œuvre Etherpad est un éditeur de texte collaboratif en temps réel qui ne requiert aucune installation, ni aucune inscription. Let's Vote Now! Education, TICE. Best Practices in a Twitter-enhanced High School Classroom. Yesterday concluded our live blogging sessions of Twitter-enhanced classrooms.

I hope the folks who caught parts of the feed started to get a feel for what at least the virtual part of this sort of classroom experience looks like. I hope soon to do a series of live broadcasts over Ustream; more on this later. A few weeks ago I was speaking with a tech coordinator at a big public high school in Baltimore County. I was shocked (real shock / no irony) to learn that his students aren't even allowed to use EMAIL at school. He's forced to circumvent this by allowing SMS and texting via surreptitious cell phones. This is madness. And it's yet another reason I'm so proud of the administration of John Carroll -- the schoolhouse I call home -- for being not only reasonable but actually excited about bringing Web 2.0 and social and participatory media into the classroom.

At least I hope so. But it's not just a matter of running the feed. Activities 1. 2. 3. Regarding Security Environment Conclusion.