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Dear Microsoft... Dear Microsoft, I hate to do this in a letter, but I feel I'm better with the written word than I am speaking face to face.

Dear Microsoft...

I'm going to just say it. I'm breaking up with you. I know you might seem surprised, but if you look at our relationship recently, it's been heading this way for a while and I had no choice. I'm leaving you for Google. You have tried so hard to keep me interested and I have waited patiently for you to blow my mind, but it hasn't happened. I love the fact that Google is always looking to try things out. I'm not going to lie, the fact that Google plays well with others is another reason I'm making the move. The most recent event that had me make this tough decision is Google just opened up more space in their house for me. Google actually encourages me to share with others. Google offers me everything I need when I want it. I'm sorry if I have led you on for the past couple of years.

Wishing you the best, The Nerdy Teacher. Wal-Mart heirs worth as much as bottom 41.5% of American families. The Walton family, heirs to the founders of the Wal-Mart Stores Inc. superchain, are worth nearly as much as the bottom half of American households combined.

Wal-Mart heirs worth as much as bottom 41.5% of American families

The Waltons' value -- $89.5 billion in 2010 – is equal to the worth of the 41.5% of families at the lower end of the income ladder, according to an analysis by Josh Bivens of the Economic Policy Institute. That comes out to 48.8 million households. And as the mid-point of family net worth fell 38.8% in the U.S. between 2007 and 2010 to $77,300, the Waltons’ fortune grew an inflation-adjusted $16.2 billion. To match such a pot would require 1.16 million households with the median wealth, according to Bivens. That’s roughly the population of San Diego. Last year, a researcher from UC Berkeley concluded that the six children of Sam and James Walton – who launched Wal-Mart in the 1960s – were as wealthy in 2007 as the bottom 30% of Americans combined.

Pay raise in 2012? Household net worth slides 35%, Census Bureau says. ISTE 2013. Dear friends, Thank you for attending ISTE 2013 in San Antonio.

ISTE 2013

We appreciate the extraordinary efforts you make to participate in the world’s most comprehensive ed tech event. Your presence here makes the experience richer for all. Over the coming week, our community will focus on sharing, learning and discovering the best ways to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s challenges. We hope you’ll participate in as many conference activities—formal and informal—as possible.

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