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Seven misconceptions about how students learn - The Answer Sheet. Posted at 04:00 AM ET, 02/14/2012 Feb 14, 2012 09:00 AM EST TheWashingtonPost Will Rogers once said, “It isn’t what people don’t know that hurts them.

Seven misconceptions about how students learn - The Answer Sheet

It’s what they do know that just ain’t so.” That’s the introduction to a list of seven myths about learning on the Web site of the Independent Curriculum Group, which is part of a movement of leading private college preparatory schools with teacher-generated curriculum. What should students learn in the 21st century? By Charles FadelFounder & chairman, Center for Curriculum Redesign Vice-chair of the Education committee of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)Visiting scholar, Harvard GSE, MIT ESG/IAP and Wharton/Penn CLO It has become clear that teaching skills requires answering “What should students learn in the 21st century?”

What should students learn in the 21st century?

On a deep and broad basis. Teachers need to have the time and flexibility to develop knowledge, skills, and character, while also considering the meta-layer/fourth dimension that includes learning how to learn, interdisciplinarity, and personalisation. Adapting to 21st century needs means revisiting each dimension and how they interact: Knowledge - relevance required: Students’ lack of motivation, and often disengagement, reflects the inability of education systems to connect content to real-world experience.

Schools We Can Envy by Diane Ravitch. Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland? By Pasi Sahlberg, with a foreword by Andy Hargreaves Teachers College Press, 167 pp., $34.95 (paper) In recent years, elected officials and policymakers such as former president George W. Survival of the Fitting: 10 important trends to survive Digital Darwinism. InShare451 Digital Darwinism is a phenomenon when technology and society evolve faster than the ability to adapt.

Survival of the Fitting: 10 important trends to survive Digital Darwinism

And, it threatens rigid and traditional practices everywhere. It’s no longer just survival of the fittest, but also survival of the fitting. Businesses must earn relevance and to do so requires much more than adoption of the latest technologies or launching endeavors in the latest social or app flavor of the month. Indeed, this post requires not only your pinterest, but your dedication and creativity.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer for a moment. To survive Digital Darwinism takes understanding of course, but more importantly, it takes leadership…it takes courage. These 10 principles serve as the framework for an adaptable business model where opportunities are readily assessed and innovation is regularly practiced. Vision: The stated outlook of organizational direction needs review. 21st Century Curriculum & Instruction. Neuroscience and technology enhanced learning.

Framework for 21st Century Learning. Pink's 6 Senses. Biography of Daniel Pink Daniel H.

Pink's 6 Senses

Pink is the author of several provocative, bestselling books about the changing world of work. His latest is Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, which uses 50 years of behavioral science to overturn the conventional wisdom about human motivation and offer a more effective path to high performance. Drive is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and Publishers Weekly bestseller — as well as a national bestseller in Japan and the United Kingdom. The book is being translated into 31 languages. A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future charts the rise of right-brain thinking in modern economies and describes the six abilities individuals and organizations must master in an outsourced, automated age. A free agent himself, Dan held his last real job in the White House, where he served from 1995 to 1997 as chief speechwriter to Vice President Al Gore.

Framework. Futurereadystudents. 12 Most Important Things Children Want From Their Teachers - 12 Most. Whether you are a teacher, parent, relative, boss, or fellow community member, each of us has a chance to make a positive and impactful difference in a child’s life.

12 Most Important Things Children Want From Their Teachers - 12 Most

But in order to do this, we must carefully consider this question: What do you think matters most to our children? For 20 years I have been posing this question to my students. At the beginning of every school year, I would ask my students to give me advice on how to be their best teacher. I asked them to think about the times they felt most successful and to consider what the adults in their lives did to make this success possible. The classroom would become immediately silent as the students wrote intensely for longer than they had ever written before. Why We Need to Teach Mindfulness in a Digital Age. Forget Generation Y: 18- to 34-Year-Olds Are Now 'Generation C' It's hardly news that young adults are the most digitally connected, but now Nielsen has come up with a new name for this group based on their common behaviors: "Generation C.

Forget Generation Y: 18- to 34-Year-Olds Are Now 'Generation C'

" The C stands for "connected," and the group comprises Americans between 18 and 34 — who are defined by their digital connectivity, Nielsen and NM Incite’s U.S. Digital Consumer Report says. They consume media, socialize and share experiences through devices more than other age groups. The most recent U.S. Why I Let My Kids Have an Internet Presence. A Teacher's Guide to Generation X Parents. How to work with well-meaning but demanding moms and dads.

A Teacher's Guide to Generation X Parents

Credit: Jessica Hische Not long ago, administrators at a small private school in New York City were reorganizing two mixed-grade elementary classrooms. 12 Things Kids Want from Their Teachers. Whether we are a teacher, parent, relative, boss, or community member, each of us has a chance to make a positive and impactful difference in a child’s life.

12 Things Kids Want from Their Teachers

But in order to do this, we must carefully consider this question: What matters most to our children? For 20 years I have been posing this question to my students. At the beginning of every school year, I would ask my students to give me advice on how to be their best teacher. I asked them to think about the times they felt most successful and to consider what the adults in their lives did to make this success possible. The classroom would become immediately silent as the students wrote intensely for longer than they had ever written before.

Kids' Cognition Is Changing—Education Will Have to Change With It - Megan Garber - Technology. This morning, Elon University and the Pew Internet and American Life Project released a report about the cognitive future of the millennial generation.

Kids' Cognition Is Changing—Education Will Have to Change With It - Megan Garber - Technology

Based on surveys with more than 1,000 thought leaders -- among them danah boyd, Clay Shirky, David Weinberger, and Alexandra Samuel -- the survey asked thinkers to consider how the Internet and its environment are changing, for better or worse, kids' cognitive capabilities. The survey found, overall, what many others already have: that neuroplasticity is, indeed, a thing; that multitasking is, indeed, the new norm; that hyperconnectivity may be leading to a lack of patience and concentration; and that an "always on" ethos may be encouraging a culture of expectation and instant gratification.

It also offers its experts' predictions about what the most-desired life skills (for young people, but ostensibly for everyone else, too) will be in the year 2020. All these skills can be taught. 50 Reasons It's Time For Smartphones In Every Classroom.