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5 leçons essentielles retenues au DataHarvest 2016. 5 leçons essentielles retenues au DataHarvest 2016 Au rendez-vous européen du datajournalisme, qui avait lieu à Malines (Belgique) du 3 au 5 juin, il ne manquait pas d’exemples pour illustrer la place grandissante de l’analyse des données dans les investigations retentissantes de l’année. Face à des montagnes de données à exploiter ou à compiler, plusieurs médias se sont rejoints au sein de réseaux internationaux et ont choisi de publier simultanément leurs enquêtes pour maximiser l’impact sur l’audience.

Voici les leçons retenues des échanges autour de ces “success stories” : 1) Les datajournalistes doivent s’associer aux journalistes de la rédaction Datajournalism is not magic, it’s just another form of journalism Robert Gebeloff a détaillé l’organisation des équipes “data” au NY Times. Les chances de réussir sont faibles si vous recherchez des données, puis une histoire à raconter grâce à celles-ci. Data is gold, developers are stars. What we do has a value. The dirty little secret that data journalists aren’t telling you - The Washington Post. Understanding what makes a visualization memorable – Storybench. John Wihbey teaches data journalism in the Media Innovation program at Northeastern University’s School of Journalism. The world of data visualization has long been shaped by canonical ideas from theorists like Edward Tufte. His book The Visual Display of Quantitative Information is a must-read for information designers, which include newsroom graphics editors.

Tufte’s organizing principles–the eloquent and ethical display of substance, statistics, and design–are now being refined and adapted for media production by contemporary dataviz gurus like Alberto Cairo. But how does human cognition fit into the practice of visualization? Could data visualization design and the way it is consumed be dissected through intensive empirical research? That’s what my colleague Michelle Borkin, an assistant professor in computer science at Northeastern University, is studying. Borkin and I chatted recently about her findings and their implications for those doing visual communication of any kind. Mobile first, desktop later: Creating interactives for the small screen. Every data journalist wants to get their visualizations just right, regardless of how they will be viewed. Yet, many shy away from adopting mobile-centric approaches.

“I’ve heard some people in our craft say that desktop is the best experience,” claimed Aaron Williams at the 2015 Mozilla Festival. “In my opinion, that ignores a huge chunk of the world, particularly people of lower income who might only have phones.” If Williams is right, it is important that newsrooms adopt a mobile-responsive approach to their data. But many struggle to find the right way to go about this. Challenges like smaller screen sizes, internet connectivity, and a lack of hover functionality, are all pinpointed as limiting the capacity to create beautiful visualizations for mobile. In spite of these limitations, a recent Nieman Lab report, illustrated the capacity for interactives to work just as beautifully on mobile as they do in browsers.

Len DeGroot, Director of Data Visualization at the Los Angeles Times. Comment la dataviz aide à comprendre la crise du logement. Défi : saisir l’ampleur de la crise du logement au Royaume-Uni en un coup d’œil. Vous pouvez toujours partager des tableurs remplis de chiffres compliqués, mais le résultat risque d’être décevant et surtout barbant. Pour rendre ces statistiques économiques et sociales captivantes, les « dataviz » (visualisation de données) leur ont donné une nouvelle allure. En variant les couleurs, les tailles, de façon automatique ou à la main, les journalistes et les graphistes ont multiplié les tentatives pour transformer l’austérité des données en visuels compréhensibles d’instinct.

Les chiffres du logement en pleine rue Un locataire londonien est allé encore plus loin. Pour que tous les passants puissent se rendre compte des problèmes de logement au Royaume-Uni, Arman Naji a décidé d’exposer des statistiques nationales sur du mobilier urbain. Évolution du nombre d’expulsions ordonnées par la justice au Royaume-Uni, en 2010, 2013 et 2015 A la recherche du mobilier urbain adapté. Wedodata, l'agence qui raconte les données - MediaType. Série : Peu nombreuses et souvent petites, les agences web spécialisées dans l'info sont rares et discrètes. Composées de bidouilleurs de talents, d'amoureux des données et du storytelling, leur travail enrichit l'info. - Les trois agences choisies ont en commun d’être jeunes, dynamiques et surtout de faire un pari, celui du journalisme de qualité.

Avec des propositions fortes, parfois militantes, elles participent aux renouvellements des pratiques grâce à la mise en scène de l'info. - De la plus grande Ask Media à la plus petite The Pixel Hunt, en passant par Wedodata et ses 7 collaborateurs, voici une série de trois entretiens pour découvrir les coulisses de ces fabriques artisanales de l'info. Nous commençons avec Wedodata qui, comme son nom l'indique, est spécialisée dans le traitement de données, sous toutes ses formes : infographie, animation, newsgame,... Avec cette approche, l'agence répond à un double enjeux : Comment est née WeDoData ? Karen Bastien On se dit qu’on a bien fait. What is data journalism? In the summer of 1967 rioting hit Detroit. It was a major news story: 43 people died and well over 1,000 were injured, with thousands more arrested. Journalist Philip Meyer decided to try reporting that story in a different way.

Using data and social science methods, he would tell the true story of Detroit, highlighting the alienation that had led to the disturbances in a way that hadn’t been done before. He also pioneered a movement which resulted in the bible of a new kind of journalism: Precision Journalism. Forty-eight years after Detroit, precision journalism has given rise to data journalism, which has become a much-touted new media trend.

While we've always loved a good chart and map at Vox, appreciating a chart or map does not data journalism make. We’ve been working with Simon Rogers, the founding editor of The Guardian’s Datablog and Twitter’s current data editor (where he'll continue to work), to formulate our data journalism plan at Vox. 5 ways hyperlocal sites can do more with data. Credit: Image by Arbron on Flickr. Some rights reserved Data journalism is still an embryonic concept in the UK's growing hyperlocal landscape. Despite some open data initiatives – and calls from the Coalition Government for an army of armchair auditors who will scrutinise public data "at a level that allows the public to see what is happening on their streets" – the results have yet to live up to the hyperlocal hyperbole.

This should not really be overly surprising. After all, if it takes a certain type of person to set up and run a hyperlocal website, then a hyperlocal publisher with the skills, time and inclination to pursue data journalism will be rarer still. No wonder then that Richard Osley, deputy editor, Camden New Journal, came to the conclusion "I reckon a few armchair auditors might decide to watch telly instead. " To help redress this, here are five suggestions to help further grow and embed hyperlocal data journalism in the UK. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Oakland Police Beat applies data-driven investigative journalism in California. Share on Tumblr One of the explicit connections I’ve made over the years lies between data-driven investigative journalism and government or corporate accountability.

In debugging the backlash to data journalism, I highlighted the work of The Los Angeles Times Data Desk, which has analyzed government performance data for accountability, among other notable projects. I could also have pointed to the Chicago Sun-Times, which applied data-driven investigative methods to determine that the City of Chicago’s 911 dispatch times vary widely depending on where you live, publishing an interactive map online for context, or to a Pulitzer Prize-winning story on speeding cops in Florida. This week, there’s a new experiment in applying data journalism to local government accountability in Oakland, California, where the Oakland Police Beat has gone online. Oakland Police Beat is squarely aimed at shining sunlight on the practices of Oakland’s law enforcement officers. So, what exactly did you launch? A Baltimore, affluence record pour le « journalisme assisté par ordinateur »

Contrairement à d'autres, nous ne saurions tirer une « grande tendance » de cette conférence. La 25ème édition de la conférence NICAR s'est tenue à Baltimore du 27 février au 2 mars. Si les algorithmes, les capteurs ou encore la visualisation interactive ont été au cœur des discussions, la seule vraie tendance est peut-être la conférence en elle-même : avec plus de 1000 participants, l'affluence est record. La conférence NICAR réunit des « computer assisted reporters », journalistes assistés par ordinateur, depuis maintenant 25 ans. Avec l'importance croissante qu'ont prises les nouvelles technologies dans nos vies, l'attrait pour cette discipline grandit. Mais l'utilisation de la technologie au service du journalisme n'est pas nouvelle. Pour ne citer qu'un exemple, le prix Pulitzer, qui récompense les meilleurs travaux de journalisme américain, a été remis en 1989 à Bill Dedman pour un article montrant que les banques ne faisaient pas de prêts immobiliers aux noirs.

Recalculating the newsroom: The rise of the journo-coder? Credit: Image by Arbron on Flickr. Some rights reserved This is an edited version of a chapter fromData Journalism: Mapping the Future, being launched tomorrow by Abramis academic publishing, republished with kind permission. Data journalism: Mapping the future (RRP £15.95) is available at a reduced rate of £12 for readers. Contact for further information. "Why all your students must be programmers" was the provocative title of one of the liveliest panel discussions at the August 2013 Conference for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in Washington DC.

On Twitter, it was dubbed the #AEJMCBattleRoyale (Hernandez 2013). The panellists talked passionately about how their programming skills enabled them to take their journalism to a whole new level – interrogating data to find the stories nobody else could or turning static, text- based web pages into dynamic, interactive tools. The product Hybrid or specialist? Coding for fun. 5 questions à 6 datajournalistes. Ils sont datajournalistes et travaillent pour le le site du Guardian, Owni,, AskMédia ou J++.

Leur point commun : ils sont jeunes et ils ont un goût immodéré pour les données qu’ils aiment manipuler et décortiquer. Ces ventriloques de la data font parler chiffres et statistiques dans leurs articles, leurs applications ou leurs visualisations. Cinq mêmes questions leur ont été posées pour en savoir un peu plus sur le datajournalisme, ce buzzword qui résonne dans toutes les rédactions. 1. Quelle est ta définition du datajournalisme ? Marie Coussin - Askmédia Le data journalisme est avant tout du journalisme : la base de travail est de chercher des informations, les vérifier et les mettre en forme. Nicolas Kayser Bril – J++ Le datajournalisme, c’est tout d’abord l’adaptation du journalisme à l’ère du numérique.

Nicolas Patte – Owni Le journalisme qui Excel /-) Sylvain Lapoix – Owni La poursuite du journalisme par d’autres outils. 2. 3. 4. 5. Formation Courrier Picard | Enquête sur le web. Why Is Data Journalism Important? Filtering the Flow of Data When information was scarce, most of our efforts were devoted to hunting and gathering. Now that information is abundant, processing is more important. We process at two levels: (1) analysis to bring sense and structure out of the never-ending flow of data and (2) presentation to get what’s important and relevant into the consumer’s head. Like science, data journalism discloses its methods and presents its findings in a way that can be verified by replication. — Philip Meyer, Professor Emeritus, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill New Approaches to Storytelling Data journalism is an umbrella term that, to my mind, encompasses an ever-growing set of tools, techniques and approaches to storytelling.

. — Aron Pilhofer, New York Times Data Journalism is the Future Data-driven journalism is the future. . — Tim Berners-Lee, founder of the World Wide Web Updating Your Skills Set In a time where sources go digital, journalists can and have to be closer to those sources. How to Teach a Journalist Programming. Earlier this year I set out to tackle a problem that was bothering me: journalists who had started to learn programming were giving up. They were hitting a wall. In trying to learn the more advanced programming techniques - particularly those involved in scraping - they seemed to fall into one of two camps: People who learned programming, but were taking far too long to apply it, and so losing momentum - the generalists.

People who learned how to write one scraper, but could not extend it to others, and so becoming frustrated - the specialists. In setting out to figure out what was going wrong, I set myself a task which I have found helpful in taking a fresh perspective on an issue: I started writing a book chapter. The nice thing about writing books is that they force you to put together a coherent and complete narrative about an entire process.

You identify gaps that you weren't otherwise aware of, and you have to put yourself in the place of someone with no knowledge at all. Journalists - become data literate in three steps. Journalists - become data literate in three steps Details Last Updated on Sunday, 24 June 2012 09:16 Published on Saturday, 23 June 2012 05:31 Written by Nicolas Kayser-Bril Just as literacy refers to 'the ability to read for knowledge, write coherently and think critically about printed material' data literacy is the ability to consume for knowledge, produce coherently and think critically about data. Data literacy includes statistical literacy but also understanding how to work with large data sets, how they were produced, how to connect various data sets and how to interpret them.

Poynter’s News University offers classes of Math for journalists, in which reporters get help with concepts such as percentage changes and averages. That journalists need help in math topics normally covered before high school shows how far newsrooms are from being data literate. A reporter certainly does not need a degree in statistics to become more efficient when dealing with data. 1. Amazing GDP growth 2. 3. Open data journalism | News. Data is everywhere: from governments publishing billions of bytes of the stuff, to visual artists creating new concepts of the world through to companies building businesses on the back of it.

And everyone wants to be a data journalist too - the barriers for entry have never been lower as free tools change the rules on who can analyse, visualise and present data. Truly, anyone can do it. At the same time, journalism has undergone a transformation; it's not that long ago that the only way to get a story published by a major news organisation involved years of training and interning and generally slaving away until you get noticed and published. Now, the power has shifted and the days when journalists could shut themselves away from the world in order to hand out gems of beautiful writing have well and truly vanished. These are the days of open journalism, reporters who can use the power of the web can produce stronger, better stories. But how does that connect to data journalism? 1. 2. 3. Le journalisme « hacker » Data journalist handbook project. In the age of big data, data journalism has profound importance for society.

Le journalisme les doigts dans les données. DataJournalism : données, interactions, visualisations | Owni. Les data en forme.