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Getting Started with Bitcoin - We Use Coins. Price$458.77Global Vol.32.95k BTCDiff.194.25bn Step 1 ---> How to get a Bitcoin wallet Setting up your first Bitcoin wallet is simple. There are several quality mobile, desktop, and hybrid wallets available. If you want to do thorough research then you can read our comprehensive guide on how to find the best Bitcoin wallet. A great path would be (1) a mobile wallet like Airbitz (iPhone, Android), Breadwallet (iPhone) or Mycelium (Android), (2) acquire bitcoins from a friend, as payment for a good or service or buy bitcoins from one of the many exchanges (3) if you decide to store large amounts of bitcoins and want to know they are absolutely safe then use Armory.

Best Mobile Bitcoin Wallets iPhone and Android apps are available with popular choices including: Copay Copay is a Bitcoin wallet by Bitpay and available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Linux, Max OS X, and Windows. Copay’s simple, clean user interface makes it a good choice for new Bitcoin users. Airbitz breadwallet Armory Bitcoin Core. Bitcoin. Dwolla. Bitcoin Wallet. Open source P2P digital currency. 112.7 USD · Preev. BitMinter - Bitcoin made easy! Bitcoin Address 17Q5uR1t3Gb3F46vxDKaymLsP39uXu31B4.