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Portlets. Install and run Ubuntu without disturbing Windows - Lifehacker. Gentoo 2007.0 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos a. Version 0.9 Author: Rachel Greenham <rachel [at] strangenoises [dot] org> Initial creationModelled on - indeed, with text outright taken from, for consistency - The Perfect Setup - Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, by Falko Timme. Some Gentoo-specific text and commands came from the Gentoo Virtual Mailhosting System with Postfix Guide.

This tutorial shows how to set up a Gentoo 2007.0 based server that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters: Apache web server (SSL-capable), Postfix mail server with SMTP-AUTH and TLS, BIND DNS server, Proftpd FTP server, MySQL server, Courier POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc. This tutorial is written for the x86 version of Gentoo 2007.0, but should apply to other architectures with very little modification. I will use the following software: Web Server: Apache 2.2 Database Server: MySQL 5.0 Mail Server: Postfix 2.2 DNS Server: BIND9 FTP Server: proftpd POP3/IMAP: I will use Maildir format and therefore install Courier-POP3/Courier-IMAP. 1 Requirements. The Linux Virtual Server Project - Linux Server Cluster for Load. Debian Administration :: Hosting multiple websites with Apache2.

Posted by Steve on Thu 6 Jul 2006 at 22:03 One of the most common Apache2 questions I've seen on Debian mailing lists is from users who wonder how to host multiple websites with a single server. This is very straightforward, especially with the additional tools the Debian package provides. We've previously discussed some of the tools which are included in the Apache2 package , but what we didn't do was show they're used from start to finish. There are many different ways you can configure Apache to host multiple sites, ranging from the simple to the complex. Here we're only going to cover the basics with the use of the NameVirtualHost directive. The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to hard-wire any IP addresses, and it will just work tm . The only thing you need is for your domain names to resolve to the IP address of your webserver.

(This might mean that you need and to resolve to the same address. /etc/apache2/sites-available Now we've got: Apache Tutorial: Dynamic Content with CGI. Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3 You are looking at the documentation for the 1.3 version of the Apache HTTP Server, which is no longer maintained, and has been declared "end of life". If you are in fact still using the 1.3 version, please consider upgrading. The current version of the server is 2.4. Dynamic Content with CGI The CGI (Common Gateway Interface) defines a way for a web server to interact with external content-generating programs, which are often referred to as CGI programs or CGI scripts. Configuring Apache to permit CGI In order to get your CGI programs to work properly, you'll need to have Apache configured to permit CGI execution.

ScriptAlias The ScriptAlias directive tells Apache that a particular directory is set aside for CGI programs. The ScriptAlias directive looks like: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ The example shown is from your default httpd.conf configuration file, if you installed Apache in the default location. AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl #! Great!