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Humorous Funny Lazyness

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Operating Systems. Tech Support: "May I ask what operating system you are running today?

Operating Systems

"Customer: "A computer. " A girl walked into the computer center where I work. She said she was having problems with her Mac. I asked what kind of Mac she had. In an indignant voice, she replied, "Duh, Intosh. " Tech Support: "What operating system are you running? After conferring with her husband, it turned out she owned a Macintosh with System 8.1. Tech Support: "What version of Windows are you running? " Dear blank, please blank. Wenn man nicht aufpasst, kann es passieren, dass man ohne es zu merken gleich mehrere Stunden auf der “Dear blank, please blank” Homepage verbringt.

Dear blank, please blank

Wenn ich nicht so vorsichtig wär, würde ich wahrscheinlich jetzt noch dasitzen und eine lustige Kurznachricht nach der anderen lesen. Wer von euch ausreichend Zeit hat, sollte sich die Seite nicht entgehen lassen. Es ist jedoch besser die Finger davon zu lassen, wenn man noch bei der Arbeit ist. Für diejenigen habe ich hier eine kurze Light-Version zusammengestellt: Die Karten sind hier im Etsy Shop für jeweils 4,50 Dollar erhältlich. Imgur.comDM16L.png (456×457) Imgur.comptmcR.jpg (500×601) 07-22-12-Radass-Daily-08.jpg (600×411) The 10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Geeky Computer Pranks. Everybody loves a good prank… unless you are the one on the receiving end of the fun.

The 10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Geeky Computer Pranks

It’s time to hone your pranking skills, not just to make sure you are the best, but so you can avoid being pranked by others. Yeah, sure, we could go with the old standards, like a blue screen of death screensaver or something like that, but it’s time to use our geek skills and come up with something better. We’ll cover some of the old favorites too, but maybe with a twist. Note: Many of these pranks require being able to access somebody’s computer physically, and many others require them to leave their PC logged in and unattended. You’ll have to plan accordingly. Disclaimer: Get a sense of humor. Make the Space Key Write the Word SPACE Here’s a clever prank for you: Make the victim’s computer actually type the word “SPACE” every time they hit the space bar.

#NoTrayIcon *Space::Send,SPACE You’ll probably want to right-click on the script and compile it to an executable before putting it on their computer. Did-you-know.jpg (450×1500) 562185_431053760251906_1888684791_n.jpg (360×480) Brilliant-Advertisment-28.jpg (640×480) Brilliant-Advertisment-25.jpg (800×523) Brilliant-Advertisment-17.jpg (509×720) Lost-a-bet-wtf-025-07232012.png (625×446) Space_comparison_chart_huge.jpg (2000×2000)

Incredibox. Verizon.jpg (800×395) Life-Available-for-a-limited-time.png (434×547) Gift-flowchart2.png (800×1855) Boring still life objects turned into intriguing erotic images. The Best Ten Books On China. For Business. : China Law Blog : China Law for Business.

t6YPN.jpg (500×1585) KbPk9.jpg (450×2892) uTEGd.jpg (460×3700) Gratitude.jpg (800×600) Romanticintent2.jpg (800×600) Invitation-final.jpg (800×600) Apology.jpg (800×600) The magic button & Make Everything OK. Earth-Mars-Moon-Human-Destruction.jpg (500×4266) The Movie Cliches List, part 1. Technology Laws. Murphy's technology laws Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.

Technology Laws

Whenever a system becomes completely defined, some damn fool discovers something which either abolishes the system or expands it beyond recognition. Technology is dominated by those who manage what they do not understand. If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization. The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm. 27dump14.jpg (610×813) Things People Said: Car Accident Reports. Automatic Flatterer. mS3sg.jpg (1200×1800) Jpg00000.jpg (426×469) Create a State of Chaos. Things People Said: Anecdotes of Stupidity. Overheard this on a London bus: First Woman: "I don't know what to get Fred for his birthday.

Things People Said: Anecdotes of Stupidity

" Second Woman: "Why don't you get him a book? " First Woman: (after a moment's thought) "Nah, he's already got a book. " At the fish hatchery where I work, we have a small display that describes the now-extinct Michigan Grayling (a kind of fish). This summer, I had the following conversation with a tourist: Tourist: "Is the Grayling still extinct?

" Frustrated, he left. I was checking out at the local Foodland with just a few items, and the lady behind me put her things on the belt close to mine. I said, "I've changed my mind; I don't think I'll buy that today. " She said, "OK," and I paid her for the things and left. Overheard at a movie theater snack bar: Customer: "I'll have a large popcorn.

" This happened a couple of years ago in a local electronics store. Me: "I am looking to buy a large screen TV, but I have heard that they scratch easily. " Salesman: "As you can see, there is no scratch. " MultiVignette.
