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Cucina sfiziosa. Playing with fire and water. Have you ever cut into a plum tomato and [for a moment] thought it was a pepper?

playing with fire and water

Or had a similar moment with the seed patterns of eggplant and tomatillos? Have you ever roasted peppers over an open fire or opened a bag of sun dried tomatoes and caught a whiff of tobacco? Maybe you've walked through a vegetable garden and noticed how certain flowers resemble each other? You have? Well, you're very observant.

Solanaceae, commonly known as nightshade, is a fascinating and diverse family of plants comprised of 102 genera and 2800 species, many of which are globally significant sources of food. Popular edible genera and species:Solanum: potato (S. tuberosum), tomato (S. lycopersicum), eggplant (S. melongena)Capsicum: bell pepper and chili pepper (C. annuum)Physalis: tomatillo (P. philadelphica) Nearly half of all nightshade species are found in the genus Solanum, including two important foods: potato and tomato. But there is hope... Godspeed. Mousse al limone con sifone. Volevo fare lo chef. Cook (almost) Anything at Least Once. For this week only, Weekend Herb Blogging became Holiday Herb Blogging where we were asked for Holiday friendly recipes and I've turned to two classic herbs to fulfill this requirement.

Cook (almost) Anything at Least Once

Parsley and Basil which are the main ingredients for an Italian medieval sauce called Agresto. Agresto sauce resembles a pesto - it is made from a mix of nuts and herbs that are bound with verjuice and olive oil. Verjuice is the name given to the unfermented pressings of unripe grapes. Highly popular in the Middle ages it fell out of favour but in recent times it has been revived.

While there is a tart element to it, it isn't as acidic as vinegar. When it comes to Christmas, I'm always on the lookout for something different to do for a main course. This year I've turned to quail and in particular to this rather interesting recipe found in Shared Plates by Jared Ingersoll for a brined quail.

Brined Quail with Agresto Sauce 7 cups waterfresh thyme sprigs1 bay leaf140 grams salt125 grams caster sugar6 quail. Recetas de cocina y gastronomía -Gastronomía & Cía. Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter ... and Umami : Krulwich Wonders... Restaurant Navata l'OCA PINTADA: Carta primavera estiu: ALT EMPORDA (GIRONA) Candy Making Supplies - Recetas faciles de Cocina - Recetas de Cocina - Part 2. Archivo para la ‘ Pasteleria ’ Categoria | por carlossolis |In Pasteleria| Comentarios desactivados Ingredientes principales: ingredientes (para el bizcocho): 4 cucharadas de azucar 3 huevos4 cucharadas de harinaingredientes (para el azucarado de naranja): 230 gr de azucar l de aguaun huevomedia cucharada de zumo de naranjacorteza de naranja rallada.

Recetas faciles de Cocina - Recetas de Cocina - Part 2

Modo de preparacionbizcocho: batir los huevos con el azucar hasta quedar espumosos (punto de nieve). añadir con cuidado y poco a poco la harina, pasada por una tamiz o colador, unir con cuidado sin batir. volcar en un molde redondo untado de mantequilla, meter a horno suave durante. 40 minutos. azucarado de naranja: hagase con el agua y azucar almibar a punto de hebra. batase la clara a punto de nieve, viertase en ella el almibar, batiendose con una batidora, y a continuacion añadase la yema de huevo, la corteza rallada y el jugo de naranja. viertase por encima del bizcocho.

Cindystar. Gomasio (Sesame Salt) I was introduced to gomasio about the time I was introduced to Macrobiotics - a Japanese philosophy that, among its many food-related principles, extols the virtues of sesame salt, not least for what it claims are its natural healing properties.

Gomasio (Sesame Salt)

Well, the Macrobiotics didn't stick (although there are some good basic tenets there), but the gomasio sure did. Gomasio is one flavor powerhouse. Used as a replacement for salt on whole grains (it's very good on rice), soups, stews, and vegetables, it's a delicious way to reduce sodium while adding a little calcium, magnesium, iron, protein, and fiber. Note: The photo above is a juxtaposition of my raw, unhulled, unroasted seeds on the left, and my toasted, ground seeds on the right.

Gomasio is made by grinding dry-roasted sesame seeds with salt. The seeds are about 50% oil by weight, almost half of that is the rancid-vulnerable polyunsaturated type. From what I can tell, sesame seeds aren't chock full of vitamin E, not like an almond. Enjoy! Spigoloso - L'altra metà del cibo. Veal Stock. I promised a long time ago that I'd do a post on veal stock, and I apologize that it's taken me this long to get to it.

Veal Stock

See, here's the deal: I have a small kitchen with a small sink. I like to make veal stock in large quantities, which requires large stock pots... which means the weather has to be nice because I have to take those pots outside and wash them using a garden hose because they don't fit in the sink. And, because I enjoy a clean and relatively sanitary space in which to clean these pots, it means I have to clean up the area where my garden hose is, oh and by the way, it has to be above 32 degrees Fahrenheit because the hose can't be hooked up when it's too cold, and I hate being outside in the cold anyway to wash those pots, so there you have it. Whisk: a food blog: Fond brun clair de veau (Basic recipe for brown stock) Stock, stock, and more stock.

Whisk: a food blog: Fond brun clair de veau (Basic recipe for brown stock)

My refrigerator is overflowing with all sorts of stock. White stock from last week’s post, and this week I have a fridge full of variations on a brown stock theme. Brown stock. Who knew how complicated this topic would be. Xesco chef’s Blog. Scienze erboristiche e cultura rizomatica. Scienza in cucina - Blog - L'espresso. Laura in cucina. Ricette di Cucina Facili e Veloci -