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Conspiricy stuff

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Robert Menard - Freeman on the Land. Propaganda - Exposing the New World Order and Government Sponsored Terrorism. Operation Ore, the United Kingdom's most thorough and comprehensive police investigation of crimes against children, seems to have uncovered more than is politically acceptable at the highest reaches of the British elite. In the 19th of January edition of The Sunday Herald, Neil Mackay sensationally reported that senior members of Tony Blair's government were being investigated for paedophilia and the "enjoyment" of child-sex pornography: "The Sunday Herald has also had confirmed by a very senior source in British intelligence that at least one high-profile former Labour Cabinet minister is among Operation Ore suspects. The Sunday Herald has been given the politician's name but, for legal reasons, can not identify the person.

There are still unconfirmed rumours that another senior Labour politician is among the suspects. The Blair government has responded by imposing a comprehensive blackout on the story, effectively removing it from the domain of public discussion. References: Brainguff: Keeping a close eye on the Earth and The Powers That Be. DNA Activation - 2012? The Soul Travelers full length. Sumerian clues to 2012 dna change. Everything Is Energy. Loose Change 2nd Edition FULL LENGTH. Broadcast Yourself.