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Créer sondages, enquêtes et questionnaires en ligne - Magic Questionnaire. Create a Free Online Survey, Web Poll or Quiz. 1 Million+ users! LimeSurvey Documentation Wiki. LimeSurvey allows users to quickly create intuitive, powerful, online question-and-answer surveys that can work for tens to thousands of participants without much effort.

LimeSurvey Documentation Wiki

The survey software itself is self-guiding for the respondents who are participating. This manual is thus focused at how to install the application, administer the installation, and support survey creators, administrators and report generation users alike. There has been a big ramp-up in development the last few years leading to many new features and changes. Make sure to upgrade to the latest version to make use of the capabilities highlighted here. Look to the far right for the main chapters of the manual. Questionnaire en ligne - Gratuit pour une période illimitée ECHO. SurveyMonkey : logiciel gratuit de sondage en ligne et d'enquête par questionnaire. Présentation. site de création d'enquête, et questionnaire en ligne gratuit. JotForm · Le Plus Facile des Générateurs de Formulaire.