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23 Creative Uses of CSS3 Text Effects to Enhance Your Web Presence. Is your text blurred with Photoshop? If yes, CSS3 offers some great text effects. To give a website a visually impressive look, designers put emphasis on neat and stylish typography. For years designers have depended on Photoshop, but CSS3 is a revolution with easy-to-create text effects. Mastering CSS3 properties not only helps designers to create cool text effects, but CSS3 properties are now supported by many browsers, therefore diminishing compatibility issues.

CSS3 Text Effects The following selection of CSS3 effects will help to reduce the JavaScript and Flash snippets from your designer tool list. Inset Typography With CSS3 Letterpress or inset text is an impressive text effect which can be created easily using CSS3 properties. Create Beautiful CSS3 Typography Stylizing your text may not be a tricky job, but to make it readable yet stylish is. Letterpress Effect With CSS Text-Shadow Give your text a cool look via this incredible CSS property. Conclusion. CSS3 Linear Gradient Syntax Breakdown. This is not going to be an extensive post, but just something to serve as a quick reference, along with some interesting points from the spec. In another post, I’ll break down CSS3 radial gradients, but for now I’ll just focus on linear, to keep things simple.

The Bare Minimum for All Supporting Browsers To get a linear gradient to work in all supporting browsers, this is how you do it: Which will produce the following gradient: I’ve included the IE filter syntax, for those who find this page through a search, and need it, but this post isn’t really about that, so I won’t discuss it. Couple of things to note about the ‘bare minimum’ code above: First, all I’ve declared are two colors — the start and end of the gradient. Finally, I’ve also included the old syntax for WebKit-based browsers, as well as the updated version. The Full Syntax Simplified Here’s the same example, but with the full syntax (and without all the proprietary stuff), so we can break it down: The Color Stops and Positions.


CSS3 Solutions for Internet Explorer - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement Experienced developers understand that CSS3 can be added to new projects with progressive enhancement in mind. This ensures that content is accessible while non-supportive browsers fall back to a less-enhanced experience for the user. But developers could face a situation where a client insists that the enhancements work cross-browser, demanding support even for IE6. In that case, I’ve collected together a number of options that developers can consider for those circumstances where support for a CSS3 feature is required for all versions of Internet Explorer (IE6, IE7, & IE8 — all of which are still currently in significant use).

Opacity / Transparency I think all developers are baffled at why Internet Explorer still fails to support this very popular (albeit troublesome) property. The Syntax You really only need the second line, which works in all versions of Internet Explorer. The Demonstration This is the same element without the opacity settings. The Drawbacks Box Shadow. Demo: CSS3 Buttons. Animated Sprites with CSS3 Transitions. 50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tutorials and Tools. Advertisement These are great times for front-end developers. After months of exaggerated excitement1 about HTML5 and CSS3, the web design community now starts coming up with CSS techniques that actually put newly available technologies to practical use instead of abusing them for pure aesthetic purposes2. We see fewer “pure CSS images” and more advanced, clever CSS techniques that can actually improve the Web browsing experience of users.

And that’s a good thing! In this post we present recently released CSS techniques, tutorials and tools for you to use and enhance your workflow, thus improving your skills. CSS Techniques Now Playing: transitions and animations with CSS3Tim Van Damme showcases a fairly simple CSS design that uses transitions, animations and subtle hover-effects to produce an engaging user experience. CSS3 range slider, checkbox + radio button4A demo of HTML input elements made with CSS3. The Simpler CSS Grid13Why restrict your layout so that it can fit into this 960gs? Le web de demain avec HTML5 et CSS3. CSS3 Media Queries. CSS2 allows you to specify stylesheet for specific media type such as screen or print. Now CSS3 makes it even more efficient by adding media queries. You can add expressions to media type to check for certain conditions and apply different stylesheets. For example, you can have one stylesheet for large displays and a different stylesheet specifically for mobile devices.

It is quite powerful because it allows you to tailor to different resolutions and devices without changing the content. Continue on this post to read the tutorial and see some websites that make good use of media queries. CSS3 Media Queries (demo) Check my demo and resize your browser window to see it in action. Max Width The following CSS will apply if the viewing area is smaller than 600px. If you want to link to a separate stylesheet, put the following line of code in between the <head> tag. Min Width The following CSS will apply if the viewing area is greater than 900px. Multiple Media Queries Device Width For iPhone 4 Colly. Mise en forme rapide sous la forme de colonne avec du CSS. Tester son site dans tous les environnements possibles December 12, 2013 – 11:59 am La difficulté pour un développeur ou un webdesigner est de tester son travail sur des configurations utilisées par les visiteurs de son site. Dans ce cas il y a plusieurs possibilités : soit avoir un matériel incroyable chez soi, soit utiliser des machines virtuelles sur son ordinateur pour répliquer les différentes configurations ou alors plus read more Ressource pour le “flat design” November 26, 2013 – 7:39 pm Aujourd’hui la mode est au flat design alors dites adieu au effet d’ombre et autres mises en forme qui sont has been!

Tester l’affichage de son site internet avec screenfly September 9, 2013 – 11:07 am Screenfly est le genre d’outil que l’on met en favori tout de suite car il est vraiment utile pour ceux qui développent ou gèrent un site internet. Choisir une couleur rapidement à l’écran March 28, 2013 – 10:48 am Voici un site internet qui propose un service bien fichu et diablement pratique. Subtle CSS3 Typography that you’d Swear was Made in Photoshop. 8 examples of stunning CSS3 text effects.

How to Create Inset Typography with CSS3 Just two years ago, we all used Photoshop to create beautiful inset typography. Now, you can do it using only CSS3. This great tutorial will help you getting started. View tutorial: Create Beautiful CSS3 Typography Technically speaking, styling text is very simple. Create a Letterpress Effect with CSS Text-Shadow The “letterpress” effect is very popular in web design. How to Create a Cool Anaglyphic Text Effect with CSS Chris Spooner again!

Text Rotation with CSS Why should text always be displayed horizontally? Text Embossing Technique With CSS One more technique I’ve done exclusively in photoshop in the past. Adding an outline to your text using the CSS3 text-stroke property Although this technique only works in webkit for now, I must admit that I really love it. CSS textured text. CSS 3 : outils et astuces pour vos effets » WebdesignerTrends – Ressources utiles pour le webdesign, actus du web, sélection de sites et de tutoriels.

On ne peut pas encore dire que le CSS 3 s’impose en webdesign, mais heureusement il gagne petit à petit du terrain. Pour éviter de créer tous vos effets « à la main », je vous propose une sélection d’outils utiles pour travailler mieux et plus vite. Au début pour certains effets, il vaut mieux posséder une cheat sheet CSS3 pour se rapeller de l’ordre des propriétés. Pour aller plus vite, des sites comme ceux ci-dessous peuvent réellement vous aider… CSS Gradient Générator : Pour des dégradé CSS en quelques clics de souris.

CSS Transform : Les effets de transform en live. CSS Tricks – Button Maker Outil de création de bouton full CSS, bien réalisé. CSS 3 Please Amusez-vous avec les propriétés pour voir l’effet directement sur un blog. CSS 3 Gradient Une vidéo pour comprendre les dégradés. 10 boutons CSS 3 10 modèles de boutons pour vos sites. CSS 3 – cubes 3D Expériences en avec les propriétés 3D. CSS 3 – Menu elastique Menu élastique au passage de la souris CSS 3 – Comparateur de formules. Lecteur vidéo en HTML5 avec CSS3 et jQuery - Advanced Web. Six Useful CSS3 Tools. CSS3 continues to gain popularity as we’re seeing it used in more and more websites. However, there are still those out there that are holding out on learning it and using it. This is probably due to the fact that it’s not fully supported yet in all browsers.

Nevertheless, if you’re one of those that haven’t started using CSS3 or you’re a CSS3 pro just looking to speed up your work flow, here are six CSS3 tools that you should find useful. CSS3 Button Maker The CSS3 Button Maker gives you a number of sliders and color pickers to style your own CSS3 button. CSS3 Generator Select from a list of CSS3 properties, fill in a few parameters to fit your needs, and it spits out the generated code along with a live preview. CSS3 Please! CSS3 Please! CSS3 Gradient Generator The CSS3 Gradient Generator was created as a showcase of the power of CSS based gradients as well as a tool for developers and designers to generate a gradient in CSS. CSS3 Transforms CSS3 Selectors Test About the Author Related Posts. Utiliser CSS3 aujourd&#039;hui : outils et ressources - Alsacréations. Bien que les spécifications CSS 3 soient encore en phase de maturation, il devient acquis qu'un certain nombre de ses composantes sont déjà exploitables en production sur les navigateurs actuels, moyennant quelque gymnastique pour notre attachant boulet à tous qu'est Internet Explorer.

Le contexte actuel est pour le moins excitant pour nous autres webdesigners, puisque l'on peut enfin s'évader d'une norme CSS2.1 vieille de plus de 10 ans ! Nous nous trouvons dans une période clé, et de grands changements vont bientôt s'opérer dans notre façon de travailler au quotidien. Cependant Internet Explorer modère cet engouement puisque seule sa version 9 commence à supporter ces nouveautés, version encore au stade beta non utilisable par le grand public.

De multiples ressources CSS3 pour déjouer les faiblesses d'IE voient le jour presque quotidiennement, notamment par l'ajout de JavaScript. Voyons quelques uns de ces outils en ligne en vogue actuellement : CSS3 Border Image Experiments : Nora Brown Design. CSS Content. CSS has a property called content. It can only be used with the pseudo elements :after and :before.

It is written like a pseudo selector (with the colon), but it's called a pseudo element because it's not actually selecting anything that exists on the page but adding something new to the page. This is what it looks like: With this CSS in place, we could have this HTML: <ul><li class="email-address"></li></ul> And the output would be like: • Email address: Maybe that example doesn't get you drooling, but pseduo element content can be quite useful and do cool things. Hey! The first concern might be that of a separation-between-content-and-design purist.

I think it's awesome and perfectly suited for CSS. I'm going to publish an article tomorrow with this kind of idea. Using Special Characters If you need to use a special character in the CSS content, it's kinda weird. Here's some random useful ones: Example Trick: Checkmark visited links Using Attributes. Start Using CSS3 Today: Techniques and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement We have been publishing articles about CSS3 for a while now, and we keep receiving angry e-mails from some developers who complain that it doesn’t make sense to use CSS3 today. Yes, Internet Explorer doesn’t support most CSS3 properties. And yes, CSS3 vendor prefixes are bad for maintainability (and this is why we recommend extracting vendor prefixes in a separate CSS3 file). But it’s OK to accept that Web is a dynamic medium, and it’s OK to create rich, interactive, beautiful designs for those who are already using a modern browser or will be using one soon. It just doesn’t make sense to keep looking back, beiDang afraid of looking forward and therefore avoid experimenting and learning about new CSS3 properties today.

In this post we present an extensive round-up of CSS3 techniques, tools and resources that will help you learn how to use CSS3 in your designs right away. You may be interested in the following related articles: What’s Possible With CSS3? CSS3 Selectors. 13 Pure CSS Techniques for Creating JavaScript-like Interactions | Tutorials. We all know that JavaScript allows us to do great things when it comes to user interfaces, but with a little imagination and creativity, the same types of effects can be created with only CSS. Here are 13 tutorials that teach you how to push the limits of CSS and make it do things that we’re not accustomed to it doing.

You’ll notice that some of these techniques can be very useful, while others are simple for proving it can be done. How To Create a Pure CSS Polaroid Photo Gallery Creating a Bubble Coda Style with CSS3 Accordion using only CSS How to Create a Fancy Image Gallery with CSS3 CSS3 Hover Tabs without JavaScript Create a JQuery Content Slider Using Pure CSS How to Create a Valid Non-Javascript Lightbox Pure Css Data Chart Bubble Effect with CSS CSS Image Switcher Pure Css Line Graph CSS Image Switcher Pure CSS Timeline.

Générateurs de CSS3 pour tous les navigateurs (ou presque) Quick Tip: Understanding CSS3 Gradients. Creating an image only for the purpose of displaying a gradient is inflexible, and is quickly becoming a bad practice. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, they very well might still be required, but hopefully not for much longer. Thanks to Firefox and Safari/Chrome, we can now create powerful gradients with minimal effort. In this video quick tip, we'll examine some of the differences in syntax when working with the -moz and -webkit vendor prefixes. While Mozilla and Webkit generally adopt the same syntax for CSS3 properties, they unfortunately don't quite agree when it comes to gradients.

Webkit was first to embrace gradients, and uses the following structure: Don't worry if your eyes gloss over at that syntax; mine did too! Just note that we require a comma-separated list of parameters. What type of gradient? Firefox, which implemented gradient support with version 3.6, prefers a slightly different syntax. What if you don't need a 100% gradient from one color to another?