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Formative Assessments Are Easier Than You Think! When I was teaching science one of the best lessons I learned was about formative assessment. In my first year of teaching I taught the way I was told to teach. Deliver content to my students, assess at the end, remediate if necessary. With that cycle, I always had kids who were behind, who never seemed like they could catch up. I was talking with a teacher friend the summer after my first year and she suggested something simple. What a difference that made. The following school years that board became an important place for myself and my students. Now, as 1:1 and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) are taking over our schools, its becoming even easier to formatively assess what our students know and for our students to leave feedback as to what they need.

Here are a few sites and apps to help with formative assessments... Online Sticky Notes-Just like my physical space in my classroom there are lots of virtual sticky note sites out there. These certainly aren't all. 35 Best Websites for Free Educational Videos. What are the best websites to watch educational videos? Here are over 35 websites to watch thousands of educational videos covering business, science, health, technology, math, social studies, arts and more. Please bookmark this page or share it if you find this article useful. 1. 5min Offers short, practical how to videos, instructional videos and DIY solutions. 2. Academic Earth A large collection of educational video lectures from the world’s top scholars. 3. Blogs, articles and videos from the world’s top thinkers and leaders. 4.

Animated science, health, technology, math, social studies, arts & music videos. 5. Offers thousands of free math and science videos. 6. Features interviews with America’s best thinkers, writers, politicians, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and more. 7. 30,000 video segments from Discovery Education. 8. Provides video lectures, courses, documentaries, books, quizzes, lecture notes and much more. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. iTunes U 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. How to Use Google Search More Effectively [INFOGRAPHIC] | teaching with technology. Pinterest / Home.

Talk Crafty To Me - Dedicated to all things handmade. MinutePhysics. THE VIRTUAL AUTOPSY. Improving Executive Function: Teaching Challenges and Opportunities (Part 3 of 7) The High Cost of Over-Packed Curriculum Standards For 21st century success, students will need skill sets far beyond those that are mandated in the densely packed standards -- and that's evaluated on bubble tests. In the near future, success will depend on accelerated rates of information acquisition. And we need to help students develop the skill sets to analyze new information as it becomes available, to flexibly adapt when facts are revised, and to be technologically fluent (as new technology becomes available). Success will also depend upon one's ability to collaborate and communicate with others on a global playing field -- with a balance of open-mindedness, foundational knowledge, and critical analysis skills so they can make complex decisions using new and changing information.

We are painfully aware that the educational model has not changed to accommodate the exponentially increasing amount of information pertinent to students. 7 Skills To Become Super Smart. People aren’t born smart. They become smart. And to become smart you need a well-defined set of skills.

Here are some tips and resources for acquiring those skills. Memory If you can’t remember what you’re trying to learn, you’re not really learning. The secret to remembering is this: memory comes naturally once you understand what you’re trying to learn and organize it effectively in your mind. A valuable resource for getting the “filing cabinets” of your mind in good working order is Brian Walsh’s Unleashing Your Brilliance: Tools & Techniques to Achieve Personal, Professional & Academic Success . If you want to amaze your friends with remembering faces, names, and numbers, look to the grand-daddy of memory training, Harry Lorayne. Reading Good scholars need to be good readers.

Psychologists have found that many people who take speed reading courses increase their reading speed for a short time but then fall right back to the plodding pace where they started. Writing Speaking Numeracy. Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English. iPad Classroom. Ipad Apps. iPad Tips & Tricks. 250 best iPad apps: education. The Top 50 Apps for Kids: Our favorite picks for education, music, art, and more! Whether you're an iPhone mom, an iPad dad, or an Apple-agnostic type who prefers Google's Android operating system, your kids just know you as the one who buys the apps.

However, with more than 1 million tablet and smartphone apps available across Apple's iTunes Store and the Google Play market, where do you even start to find the best ones for your kids? For Babble's annual roundup of the 50 best apps for kids, we looked at some basic criteria that you and your family might also consider before downloading an app. Every app we tested had to have received an age-appropriate rating ("4+" in Apple's case; "Everyone" in Google's).

We also considered whether the app allowed parents to participate in, or at least oversee, whatever their kids were doing onscreen. In addition, even if the apps were designed to do nothing more than keep kids busy while you're in line at the store, there had to be some positive or educational element to them. Faces iMake — Right Brain Creativity’s Rankings. Discovery Learning: Games Designed to Make you Fail. Games can sometimes provide us with opportunities to fail. It is this failing that allows us to learn.

This is necessary in order to improve our next attempt and our next, until we get it right. Some of the most interesting games come without any instructions at all and mean that the very nature of the game itself needs to be discovered. This fits in perfectly with how kids use and embrace new technology - no one read the instructions - they just press the buttons until they work out what they all do. Feed the Head: $1.99 AU This has to be my all time favourite game. Where's My Water: $0.99 AU Swampy the Alligator lives in the sewers under the city. Room Break: $1.99 AU Room Break is an adventure game about escaping. Touch Physics: FREE. 10 Of The Best Educational Online Games.

Danger Zone Students are faced with serious global issues to tackle in this fantastic character-based game. They have to use different skills to solve a challenge like combating a deadly airborne illness using test-samples, note-taking and learning along the way! The Blood Typing Game This brilliant, prize-winning game from the Nobel Prize website lets students get up-close and personal with medical and biological processes, learning about patients, treatment and blood-types. Kodu A fantastic innovation from Microsoft, Kodu introduces students to a new visual programming language made specifically for creating games. Climate Challenge A great game from the BBC, this puts students into the shoes of the president of the ‘European Nations’, tackling climate change through a challenging combination of policy choices and diplomatic persuasion!

SimCEO This virtual online game sees students create and manage their own company, giving them a great foundation in economic principles. Play My Code.