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3 Ways to Automatically Copy Your Garmin Training Data to Other Fitness Sites. With the rise of connected devices that automatically upload your rides and runs upon completion to Garmin Connect, there’s been a corresponding rise in usage of 3rd party sites that synchronize that data to other training log platforms such as Strava and Training Peaks. These middle-man sites operate by copying your activity data automatically upon detection of a new activity being uploaded, to the final destination of your choice. It is in some ways ironic that with increased connectivity has come more complexity in getting files where you want them. That’s largely due to the fact that Garmin has been less than entirely easy when it comes to getting data where end users plan to analyze it. While Garmin Connect does have an API available, that API isn’t well documented, nor supported at all, and hasn’t been updated in years. Thus most of these 3rd party applications have had to spend a bit of time reverse engineering how things work.

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