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What Is Sacrifice? EASTER: History and Culture-chs subtitle 复活节(中文字幕) Seasonal Resources: Christmas and Easter. Easy Musical Plays for Schools and Drama Clubs. Easter. Great Hot Cross Buns for Easter. Easter Clipart. Easter - FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format, Free Interactives & Games. R.E. Teaching Ideas - Christianity. TES Resource Bank – The Times Educational Supplement. Easter - PowerPoint Slide Masters. Easter. Special Easter Food This page has moved to What is Easter? Where does the name "Easter" come from? When is Easter? Why does the date of Easter move? Christians gather together on Easter Sunday for a Sunrise Service. Some Christians take part in an Easter vigil, lighting a new fire outside the church early on Sunday morning. Some churches have an Easter Garden. The traditional Easter gift is a chocolate egg.

The first eggs given at Easter were birds eggs. As chocolate became more wide spread in the 20th Century, a chocolate version of the traditional painted egg was developed. Chocolate eggs are given to children. Around 80 million chocolate eggs are eaten each year in Britain. Small chocolate eggs are hidden for the children to find on the traditional Easter Egg Hunt. Easter cards arrived in Victorian England, when a stationer added a greeting to a drawing of a rabbit. Easter day, like Christmas day, is also associated with special food. Easter. Good Friday is a UK Public Holiday On Good Friday, Christians remember the day when Jesus was crucified on a cross.

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday (Easter Day). The date of Good Friday changes every year. See our main Easter page to find out why. The date of the first Good Friday will never be known The name may be derived from 'God's Friday' in the same way that good-bye is derived from 'God be with ye'. It is 'good' because the barrier of sin was broken. According to the bible: The third hour of the day - Jesus was nailed to the cross The hours in the bible are calculated from the first hour of the day, being 6 in the morning.

Since the early nineteenth century, before the introduction of bank holidays, Good Friday and Christmas Day were the only two days of leisure which were almost universally granted to working people. Fasting Some Christians fast (go without food) on Good Friday. Special Church Service Many churches hold a special service.

Why do we eat Hot Cross Buns ? Easter. Palm Sunday is the sixth and last Sunday of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week. This page has moved to Holy Week is the week before Easter, commemorating events in the last days of Jesus' life on Earth. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Monday. Palm Sunday the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem. Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday), Last Supper and the betrayal by Judas. Good Friday (Holy Friday), the arrest, trial, crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus Christ.

Palm Sunday is a time of celebration as well as sadness because Jesus died on a cross less than a week after he had entered Jerusalem. The Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday. We wave our UK flags at parades. The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday because the crowds waved palm branches as they followed Jesus' procession into Jerusalem.

It was the time of the Jewish feast of Passover. On Palm Sunday, children are given crosses made from single palm leaves. Back to the top. Easter.