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50 Must Have Open Source Application for Mac. Although there is the huge amount of free softwares available online but open-source softwares have numerous advantages, apart from their price (i.e. free), they provide you the right to modify and redistribute the software with modifications.

50 Must Have Open Source Application for Mac

The right to modify is important, it enables you to change the software the way you like, also there are plenty of softwares developed but never updated, in this case if you have the right to modify then they can be very handy for needy people as anybody can update it. So looking at their importance, in this article we will feature 50 essential “open-source” applications for your Mac; those which will help in performing your daily life task easily. 1. Firefox Each and every computer user knows about Firefox which is the most used open source web browser having huge amount of extensions and add-ons, there is no need of detailed description for Firefox. New Tab. Installing Tomcat 6.0 On Linux, Mac OS X, And Windows. Apache Tomcat is a flexible, powerful, and widely popular application server and servlet container, which the Apache Software Foundation has developed since 1999, first under the Jakarta project, and now as its own top-level project.

Installing Tomcat 6.0 On Linux, Mac OS X, And Windows

Users value Tomcat for its fast start-up, reliable, mature, and fully open codebase, and highly extensible and configurable functionality. Apache Tomcat 6 has the ability to run either as a stand alone web server, or as a pure servlet container or cluster of containers behind an HTTP web server proxy or load balancer. This makes Tomcat a favorite choice for a broad spectrum of different scenarios, from small, one-server websites to large-scale, high-availability enterprise production environments. Tomcat 6 implements the Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1 specifications, and includes many new features, such as a new NIO Connector, injectable thread pools, improved logging, and more.

Tip: Installing Tomcat as a Windows Service can be difficult. Vi ~/.profile. Inbox (1,344) - ramos.jeremy - Gmail. New Tab. Scott Hanselman's 2011 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows. J2EE Programming/JavaServer Pages. Here is a minimalist tutorial to create a JSP using Eclipse.

J2EE Programming/JavaServer Pages

If you have not already installed Eclipse, read this page.If you have not already installed an application server, read this page.Launch EclipseOn the Project Explorer view, right-click and select New -> Other...Select Web -> Dynamic Web project .Type helloworld for the Project name.On Target runtime, make sure that you have selected your application server instance.Click on Finish .Double-click on your new project to open it.Right-click on the folder WebContent .Select New -> JSP File .On File name, type FirstPage.jsp.

It will be the name of your JSP.Click on Finish . The new FirstPage.jsp file should appear in the folder WebContent .Locate the text <body> in the new JSP file.After this text, write Hello World!. Thin Clients: Xubuntu. Tuning | crunchbang | xfce | lxde | ubuntu | Overview The XFCE desktop environment, designed to be light and fast, runs on modest hardware.

Thin Clients: Xubuntu

While not as light on resources as LXDE, it is less resource intensive than the GNOME and KDE desktops and provides a good option for running a full desktop on thin client hardware. Many mainstream distributions have alternate versions preconfigured with the XFCE desktop: Debian XFCE, Fedora XFCE Respin, Linux Mint XFCE, and Xubuntu. Packages for XFCE also appear in repositories for Arch, Gentoo, and Slackware for creating customised installations. XFCE versions of mainstream distros are generally just configured with XFCE without further customisation for low-spec hardware.

Xubuntu 12.04.1 LTS The remainder of this article describes installing Xubuntu 12.04, an XFCE version of mainstream Ubuntu to an x86 thin client outfitted with a Compact Flash card. Limitations Xubuntu 12.04 LTS does not work with all x86 processors. Prerequisites You will need: Delivr makes it simple to activate audiences through social, mobile, and offline media. QR Codes. NFC Tags. Short URLs. Coupons & Offers.


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