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Learning Objectives

Center_for_Engaged_Democracy - Program Core Competencies. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. Announcement Drawing from the Wabash Study, a multi-institutional longitudinal research and assessment project, Charlie Blaich and Kathy Wise, from the Center of Inquiry at Wabash College, share their field-tested findings and lessons learned about campus use of assessment results.

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment

The Wabash Study assists institutions in collecting, understanding and using data. The researchers at the Center of Inquiry found the last component to be the real challenge—using the data for improved student learning. In this Occasional Paper, Blaich and Wise describe the accountability movement, the history and purpose of the Wabash Study, and the reasons why institutions have a hard time moving from gathering data to using data, giving five practical steps to campus leaders for using the data collected. Paper Abstract. - home. Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) - HERI Home. Principles of Good Practice for Student Affairs. Good Practice in Student Affairs: Engages students in active learning.

Principles of Good Practice for Student Affairs

Helps students develop coherent values and ethical standards. Sets and communicates high expectations for student learning. Uses systematic inquiry to improve student and institutional performance. Khan Academy. 694 Spring 2011.

Reflective Practice

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