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PopChartLab_Coffee_ZOOM822.jpg (2677×2012) Skipper claims to have finally found proof that Loch Ness Monster exists. George Edwards has hunted Nessie for 26 years and holds tours of the Loch He even says image was verified by team of US military monster expertsA Nessie sighting specialist has backed his claims, adding: 'It proves Nessie is definitely NOT a sturgeon' By Matt Blake Published: 09:51 GMT, 3 August 2012 | Updated: 13:22 GMT, 3 August 2012 He has dedicated more than two decades of his life to the hunt for the elusive Loch Ness monster, spending 60 hours a week on the water.

And now George Edwards believes he has finally fulfilled his ambition of spotting 'Nessie'; he even photographic evidence to prove it. Mr Edwards, who has spent 26 years on his quest, managed to capture this image of a dark hump slinking in and out of the lake's waters from the deck of his boat, Nessie Hunter, before it vanished back into the deep. He claims the picture is the best-ever taken of the Loch Ness Monster and proves once and for all that the elusive leviathan exists - and is definitely not a sturgeon.

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