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Intelligence. The Happy Employee: Quote: Connolly, Write For Yourself (And Hav. The Wisdom of Lao Tzu: A Taoist Guide to Getting Things Done. Note: This is a guest post by Michael Miles of

The Wisdom of Lao Tzu: A Taoist Guide to Getting Things Done

We live in a competitive society and are often told that to get ahead we require drive, commitment and determination, that we must expend a great amount of energy and, if necessary, use force to get what we want. A ‘survival of the fittest’ mentality is deeply entrenched in our culture. Much of this thinking comes from Darwin’s Origin of the Species, a work which has influenced us in the most profound and subtle ways, not least of all because it advanced the idea that competition was a natural and normal part of life, that nature was ‘red in tooth and claw.’ Welcome to Quotations Book! Your Best Source of Famous Quotes.