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Multitasking Takes Toll on Memory, Study Finds. A growing body of research shows that juggling many tasks, as so many people do in this technological era, can divide attention and hurt learning and performance. Does it also hinder short-term memory? That’s the implication of a study being published on Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a respected journal.

The research shows that multitasking takes a significantly greater toll on the working memory of older people. Researchers said the key finding of the new study is that people between the ages of 60 and 80 have significantly more trouble remembering tasks after experiencing a brief interruption than do people in their 20s and 30s.

During the study, subjects were asked to look at a scene, then were interrupted for several seconds by an image of a person’s face. They were asked to identify the person’s gender and approximate age, and then returned to answer questions about the earlier scene. Dr. Dr. But Dr. Genetics. GENETICA EN LA PRACTICA. La carga de la enfermedad gen tica en Colombia, 1996-2025. Molecular pathology - Human Molecular Genetics - NCBI Bookshelf. The Role of Elements in Life Processes | Mineral Information Institute. Prentice Award Lecture 2011: Removing the Brakes on Plastic... : Optometry & Vision Science.

Amblyopia (from the Greek, amblyos—blunt; opia—vision) is a developmental abnormality that results from physiological alterations in the visual cortex and impairs form vision.1 Amblyopia is clinically important because, aside from refractive error, it is the most frequent cause of vision loss in infants and young children, occurring naturally in about 2 to 4% of the population; and it is of basic interest because it reflects the neural impairment which can occur when normal visual development is disrupted. The damage produced by amblyopia is generally expressed in the clinical setting as a loss of visual acuity in an apparently healthy eye despite appropriate optical correction; however, there is a great deal of evidence showing that amblyopia results in a broad range of neural, perceptual, oculomotor, and clinical abnormalities (for reviews see Refs. 2 and 3).

Amblyopia can be reversed or eliminated when diagnosed and treated early in life. POLYMORPHISMS OF THE LDL RECEPTOR GENE CODING REGION IN ST.-PETERSBURG POPULATION. Polymorphisms are defined as common variants of the nucleotide sequence with the frequency of the rare allele exceeding 1%. In addition, polymorphisms in contrast to mutations do not cause directly development of the disease. Many polymorphisms result in the appearance or loss of restriction endonuclease sites and thus can be visualized as restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The linkage studies, i.e. the studies of inheritance of the polymorphism allele and the disease phenotype, allow perform the DNA-diagnostics of FH.

A number of polymorphisms of the LDL receptor gene were found in St. Petersburg population. The complete information about the LDL receptor gene polymorphisms can be found at and Note: "с. " - denote nucleotide number according to cDNA sequence (Yamamoto et al., 1984). * - New sequence variants The material for this page is provided by F.M.Zakharova. UMD (Universal mutation database): a generic softw... [Hum Mutat. 2000. The UMD-LDLR database: additions to the software a... [Hum Mutat. 2002. Sustainable Anesthesia. Fruit flies with Restless Legs Syndrome point to a genetic cause.

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