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Guest Blog: A Year of Non-Fiction? by Emily « Nadia Lee :: Romance Writer - Blog. I have been utterly and completely turned off reading fiction. I'm not sure why, but I just don't wanna. I've been to the library a couple of times since I got back home -- and god, I love the public libraries here in Singapore! -- and I always walk away empty-handed from the fiction section. I go to bookstores, and wander out again, not having spent a single, precious penny. Which means I'm spending a ridiculous amount of cash on needlework stash and I really don't need any more -- FYI, my TBR pile is usually about 10 books and I have already achieved what we stitchers call SABLE: Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy.

Do you know what amount of monstrous effort that would normally require of me? I'm someone who usually reads upwards of 200 novels each year. Now I can't remember the last time I read a novel. It's depressing, is what it is. I watch some TV. So I'm thinking. An enforced year of reading only non-fiction. It might kill me. Do you think you could do it? How I Make My Living as an Online Writer (And How You Could Too) (Photo by Antonina, a fantastic London contemporary portrait photographer) The end of this month will mark three years since I left my day job. Since then, I’ve been supporting myself through writing. It’s my dream career – and I love being able to set my own hours, work from home, and have a huge amount of flexibility and freedom. I haven’t written much here on Aliventures about how exactly I actually make money.

Maybe you suspect that there’s some amazing secret skill involved, or some sort of dark art. But there really isn’t. Turning words into money might sound like spinning straw into gold … but it’s a darn sight easier. And … if you want to … there’s no reason why you can’t do exactly the same as me. In short, I have a bunch of different revenue streams that bring in cash every month. I’ll start with the ones that were easiest to get going with, and work up to the methods that take a bit more time… #1: Paid Writing for Blogs (2008 onwards) This is how I started out, in early 2008. Whew! Home - Website of zannysbrain! News Worth Talking About. Home - Website of zannysbrain!