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Parachutes - Paper Birds. Pan Pan - Suburban Daydreaming. Five Foods That Kick Your Metabolism Into Overdrive, Naturally! - The Huffington Post. We often hear the word "metabolism" when it comes to weight loss and dieting. But, what is a metabolism and why do we care so much to "boost it?

" In short, metabolism is the amount of energy or calories our bodies burn to maintain vital function. Whether we are sleeping, working, relaxing or exercising, our bodies are constantly burning calories. Metabolism is a very complex process, so it is easiest to think of it as something that affects how easily our bodies lose or gain weight. The goal is to increase our metabolic rate in order to burn more calories and prevent storing too many calories as fat. So how do you increase your metabolic rate naturally, you might ask? 1. How it works: • It acts as an appetite suppressant, preventing you from overeating. • Increases your body's metabolic rate, allowing you to burn calories more efficiently. • Helps to alkalize the body, preventing you from becoming too acidic, which can support weight loss. 2.

Why is water so important? 3. 4. 5. Pan Pan - Animated Dust. The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes. The Greatest Speech Ever Made.

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