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Coffee sugar scrub recipe. It’s been approximately seven months since my last sugar scrub recipe, which means I’m approximately 6 months over due. So, I’ve come back with a punch by mixing my life-long love affairs with coffee and homemade beauty products to make this cinnamon coffee sugar scrub. Seriously, it’s smells so good I could take a bite out of it… Ingredients: 1/2 cup of coconut oil2 cups of sugar1 teaspoon of cinnamon1 tablespoon of honey2 tablespoons of instant coffee grounds All you have to do is combine all of the ingredients together and stir. I always get a lot of comments about the recipe being too runny, or too dry.

Like this: Like Loading... Mother's Day Bath Sachet Gift Set. I’ve always been a big fan of making handmade Mother’s Day gifts. Granted I did used to make them out of sheer necessity in school because I had no money (sorry for the hand-painted rocks, Mom!) , but now I like to add a handmade touch to pair with my store bought gifts just to show that I took the time and care. This DIY bath sachet gift set and is quick and simple enough to add to any gift, or could be easily transitioned into party or wedding favors. Who couldn’t use a fresh chamomile or mint infused bath every now and then? Materials: Card stockScissorsRectangular coffee filtersFreshly ground lavender, mint, chamomile or other herbal scentsMartha Stewart craft glue (c/o)Martha Stewart flourish frame layered craft punch (c/o)Martha Stewart scoring board (c/o)Pencil First, we’ll make the sachets. Then fold the sides inward about a half an inch, and staple down. Next, cut 1 inch thick strips of card stock just long enough to make a band around your sachets.

Like this: Like Loading... DIY Natural Room Scents. Don't miss my follow-up post to this one withNATURAL ROOM SCENTS FOR DIY GIFTS & CENTERPIECESCLICK HERE This post was featured in the April 2013 issue of Woman's Day magazine. Here's the thing. I'm married to a man who hates artificial scents of any kind. That goes for air fresheners, candles, perfume, soaps and anything else that is scented. We buy unscented everything. Turns out that King-Man may just be ahead of his time. But, the air in my house gets stale sometimes.

There is a simple, all natural, truly lovely solution. Keeping the supply list simple. How to Make Natural Room Scents Fragrant items for naturally scenting your home: citrus -- I've tried other fruits. View whole spices on Amazon: cinnamon sticks, anise stars, allspice, cloves, vanilla beans Five Natural Room Scent RecipesThese are all scents that my nose likes. General procedure: Combine the ingredients in a 2 cup (pint) jar or container, or in a pan on the stove top. View on Amazon: ♦pint jars ♦plastic lids for jars 1. How To Make Bubble Bath – Homemade Bubble Bath. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, a day for showing the important people in your life how much you love them…and that includes yourself!

Yesterday Brigette compiled a great list of ways to enjoy the day, and I’d like to add one more: take a bubble bath! It has been way too long since I’ve done just that, and I almost forgot how incredibly peaceful and relaxing it can be. I love putting on some mellow tunes and relaxing in the tub with a good book and cup of tea. I recently discovered that you can make your own bubble bath at home with just a few ingredients – get the recipe below! What you need: 1 cup clear, unscented dish soap (try Seventh Generation or something similar) 2/3 cup liquid glycerin (you can find this at some drug stores or order it online) 1/4 cup water 2-3 drops essential oil (I used lavender) * sprinkle of dried lavender (optional) Alternative options: in the place of dish soap you could also use castile soap (which you can find at Trader Joe’s) or baby shampoo.

Photos by Julia. Citrus Salt Scrub. It’s that time of year. Where you need all the exfoliation you can get! Everyone wants fabulous beach-ready skin! And lets be real, if you’re anything like me… exfoliating just didn’t seam important when you’re all covered up in winter clothing. Well, now it’s time to peel of those layers of clothing AND skin! What you will need: 1 cup sea salt 1/4 cup vegetable oil (or olive, almond or coconut oil) 1/2 tsp lemon juice (or zest) 1/2 tsp orange zest (not necessary) photo credit: via First mix the oil and sea salt together.

How to exfoliate: Clean body as normal in shower. Now I’m ready for the beach. . # kristanlynn xoxo *Like what you see? Pink Lemonade Body Scrub. Last year I did a video/post on a body scrub. This week I was asked to do a segment on one of my local TV morning shows "BetterKC". So while preparing for the segment I found a couple of new recipes I wanted to share. Here are two new body scrub ideas! Items Needed For This Project: SugarSunflower OilFrangranceJar: I purchased mine at Hobby Lobby. You can also find jars at Michaels, Target, WalMart, Joann, and even Grocery Stores! Pink Lemonade Body Scrub 2 cups white sugar 2/3 cup sunflower oil 2 tsp. lemon juice or fragrance Vanilla & Sugar Body Scrub 1 cup sugar in the raw 1 cup white sugar 2 tsp vanilla or vanilla fragrance I ended up trying the fragrances on mine. Next post/video I will show you how to use this scrub in a spa gift basket!

Spa Gift Basket. Last week I made Pink Lemonade Body Scrub. I really wanted to keep going with it and show you how to put together a great spa gift basket. I made two different scrubs: pink lemonade and vanilla sugar. (Recipes are in previous post on the scrub post) I'll post pictures of both baskets. They are mainly the same just a few different ingredients to give a different theme i.e.... tissue, chocolate, ribbon.

Approximate cost of this basket $30. Items Needed For This Project: Basket: I actually found these cool closet organizer bins at Target for $6.99. I can't stress enough the following: Give your basket a theme! Moms: this is great practice for Easter baskets!