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Data Migration | Replication | Integration | Treehouse Software. Arduino. Sublime Text: The text editor you'll fall in love with - StumbleUpon. Duolingo | Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and English for free. Current Classes | The Brooklyn Institute for Social Research.

In recent decades, critical analyses of photography are increasingly concerned with questions of audience engagement and technological production. This course embarks upon a study of historical and theoretical perspectives on photography—from experiments in daguerreotype to current practices in the digital sphere, including social media—by analyzing the different forms in which photographs are distributed, circulated, and consumed.

Whether seen as a machine for reproducing images, a fashionable toy for the masses, a pastime for amateurs, a generator of profit, a tool for scientific inquiry, or a device for categorizing and classifying populations, the question of circulation has haunted photography since the 19th century, constantly affecting the way that photography is understood and discussed. Our inquiry will begin with earlier forms of photographic circulation, such as the album and the carte-de-visite. Summer Sessions | Courses | Computer Science | Columbia Summer. Machine Learning in Javascript: Introduction | Burak Kanber's Blog. On September 3, 2012 I love machine learning algorithms. I’ve taught classes and seminars and given talks on ML.

The subject is fascinating to me, but like all skills fascination simply isn’t enough. To get good at something, you need to practice! I also happen to be a PHP and JavaScript developer. Whenever I say that Tidal Labs’ ML algorithms are in PHP, they look at me funny and ask me how it’s possible. Through this series of articles, I’ll teach you the fundamental machine learning algorithms using Javascript — not Python or Octave — as the example language. If you’re a web developer you probably already know JS, regardless of your backend expertise.Javascript has JSFiddle, a great tool that lets me embed executable Javascript right in my posts (hard to do that with C or Perl!) While I’ll be writing these articles with Javascript in mind, please re-write the examples in your language of choice as homework! … well, most of the time. Here are some of the algorithms I intend to cover. Advance Your Education With Free College Courses Online - Udacity. Getting Started with Programming. Learn Python The Hard Way. Learn Web Design, Web Development, and More | Treehouse.