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3 Epic Technologies That Transform Teaching & Learning. How to teach … photography. Students of all ages are fascinated by taking photos – and, now photography has gone digital, it is easy and cheap to get your students snapping.

How to teach … photography

The Guardian Teacher Network has resources to help schools harness the potential of photography and use it as a really powerful cross-curricular tool. Thanks to PhotoVoice, a participatory photography charity that runs projects in 23 countries, for sharing its resources. How Digital Learning Is Becoming The Fourth Literacy. Reading.

How Digital Learning Is Becoming The Fourth Literacy

Writing. Math. Put the brakes on. Brakes by g_kat26 I want to suggest that perhaps we should all be applying a little pressure to the brakes as regards the current Computing tide sweeping the English curriculum at secondary level.

Put the brakes on

Gcse-grades-to-change-to-help-bosses-select-brightest-pupils-8916476. Leading 21st C learning : getting my bearings for the journey ahead… I’ve been on a fantastic professional learning journey in recent weeks: listening and talking on the conference circuit (#lfe2012 #SSATNC12, #elconf); burying my head in my tweetdeck and the library of blogs and youtube clips that follow; hosting a TeachMeet (#TMEssex); reading a couple of books and having the privilege of visiting some amazing schools.

Leading 21st C learning : getting my bearings for the journey ahead…

All of this has brought me into contact with the ideas of some great educational thinkers (John Hattie, Dylan Wiliam, Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas, Eric Mazur, Carol Dweck, Tim Brighouse), the thoughts of some great practitioners (John Tomsett, Alex Quigley, David Didau, Vic Goddard, Tom Bennett, Christopher Waugh, Mark Anderson, Zoe Elder..) and the ethos of some amazing schools: Saffron Walden, Passmores and Wellington. This much I (don’t) know about…the future of ICT in schools. I have been a teacher of English for 24 years, a Headteacher for 9 years and, at the age of 48, this much I (don’t) know about the future of ICT in schools.

This much I (don’t) know about…the future of ICT in schools

We all know the Wayne Gretzky quotation, Skate to where the puck is going, not to where it is. Create a Digital Hub for Your Classroom with Google Sites. Supporting "Connected Educators" Nevin Katz is an online learning specialist, published author/illustrator, and former science teacher.

Supporting "Connected Educators"

He designs mathematics and science courses for EDC’s EdTech Leaders Online program, including “Using Technology to Explore Weather and Climate.” An experienced programmer and Web developer, Nevin also designs interactives and apps for online courses and initiatives throughout EDC. In this post, written in honor of Connected Educators month (October 2013), Nevin reflects on the role that facilitated online courses can play in helping connected educators acquire new technology tools and practices.

What does it mean to be a connected educator? In this day and age, it brings to mind using social networking platforms like Twitter to share resources with colleagues, or perhaps bringing Skype into the classroom to get students to talk to an expert zoologist. Online discussion forums are a central part of the courses I facilitate. What Does Classroom 2.0 Look Like? Like most school libraries, the one at the 48-year-old Adlai E.

What Does Classroom 2.0 Look Like?

Stevenson High School (SHS) in Lincolnshire, Ill., has had to evolve with the times. That meant ­squeezing desktop computers into nearly every ­available space. 5 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a 1:1 Mobile Learning Device. Device pile by adactio, on Flickr Embarking on a 1:1 program can seem a bit like walking into a dark, tangled forest — choosing the right mobile device from a dense thicket of options is enough to make any educator feel lost. iPads and Androids and Chromebooks, oh my!

5 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a 1:1 Mobile Learning Device

The Los Angeles iPad hacking incident is just one example of how a mobile learning program, when not thought through, can quickly turn into a nightmare. Primary Computing ITT. This site has been put together by a small group of teachers and teacher educators convened by the DfE's Teaching Agency and chaired by Bob Harrison.

Primary Computing ITT

Our aim has been to curate a collection of resources for use by those training teachers to deliver the new primary computing curriculum, whether for trainees' individual use, for use in lectures and workshops or for trainees to use as resources for their own lessons when working in school. What are the issues? 1. Across the curriculum the draft Programmes of Study suggest that material which was previously taught by subject specialist teachers in key stage 3 will be delivered in primary classrooms from September 2014. 3 Ideas To Help Others Embrace Change.

Extending learning

Ofsted, Outstanding Teaching and the iPad. How to ensure impact with blogging! The idea behind children blogging is simple - give them a platform to write for a real audience and this provides a purpose to write.

How to ensure impact with blogging!

When children have a purpose, it impacts on the quality of writing. The most difficult part for teachers trying to encourage children to blog, is to create an audience for children to write for. There are a few websites teachers can sign up for an use to really help build an online audience: 100 Word Challenge - Simply an amazing way to promote and showcase children's writing. In ‘Flipped’ Classrooms, a Method for Mastery - Teaching Writing with Google Docs. One of the key results of flipping my writing and literature classes has been that my students do much of their writing in-class on computers provided by the college. All of these computers have Microsoft Word on them, but I prefer to use Google Docs/Drive instead. Given that MS Word is the standard word processor for my college and most of the rest of the world, then this preference may require some defence.

6 Innovative Ways Students Are Using Technology. They’re not just tweeting, snapchatting, and Facebooking. Okay, maybe that’s what they do most of the time. But modern students are doing some pretty innovative things with technology these days. From blending up all their online and offline courses to integrating iPads into activities outside the classroom, there’s a lot happening that you should know about. The following visual guide from Internet Innovation walks you through a half-dozen ways that you may not have expected education technology to be used. The Eight Pillars of Innovation. Innovation in Education is Easy, Unless You Make it Difficult. New Pedagogies For the Digital Age. How to Get Involved in the Teaching Movement That Could Transform Education. Benefits – Google Apps for Education. 40 Ways to Use Google Apps in the Classroom. Matt Britland (mattbritland) on Pinterest.