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What Do You Believe about Being a Leader? In his book, Leadership Jazz, Max DePree lists questions that followers have the right to ask of their leaders. DePree’s question that has my attention today is, “Have you bothered to prepare yourself for leadership?” Think About Your Beliefs If a leader has not thought deeply about what he or she believes about being a leader or cannot communicate to followers beliefs about what it means to be a leader, has that leader bothered to prepare for the responsibilities of leadership? Although there is a lot of scholarly work in the field of leadership studies, a single all-encompassing definition of leadership eludes scholars. What Do You Believe about Being a Leader? What Do You Believe about Being a Leader? 5 mistakes you may be making on your resume. Resumes are marketing documents -- they need to portray you in the best possible light iStockphoto Resumes are marketing documents, so you want yours to portray you in the best light possible.

5 mistakes you may be making on your resume

Of course you read it, re-read it, ask your friends and former college roommate, the English major, to read it over. You tweak the format until it's just perfect. But you're still probably making some -- if not all -- of these errors. 1. 2. 3. 6 great questions to ask on a job interview. At the end of most job interviews, you're asked a seemingly innocuous, open-ended question: "Do you have any questions for me?

6 great questions to ask on a job interview

" That may seem straightforward enough, but in fact there are many ways to go astray. One obvious mistake is not asking anything at all, which shows that you haven't given any serious thought to the possibility of employment at this particular organization. The second is asking questions that can be answered with a simple Internet search. There Is No Career Ladder - Priscilla Claman. By Priscilla Claman | 2:02 PM February 14, 2012 Reaching the apex of the career ladder by gradually getting promoted to the top is a thing of the past.

There Is No Career Ladder - Priscilla Claman

From my experience as a career coach, career ladders in most organizations have not existed for at least fifteen years. Career ladders are an artifact of the Mad Men era, when you signed onto an organization at age 21, followed the rules, were incrementally promoted, and retired with a gold watch. But those days are long gone. Career ladders died out during the late 1980s and early 1990s, when over 85% of Fortune 1000 American companies downsized their white-collar workforce.* Downsizing has only escalated from there, however in the 80s and 90s the lost jobs were not in manufacturing but white-collar jobs, including management jobs. In that period at General Electric, for example, engineers hired right out of school went through a career development process which included managerial training. Look laterally for career moves. *Wayne F. 10 career-limiting mistakes to avoid. COMMENTARY The problem with career advice is that most of the people who give it shouldn't.

10 career-limiting mistakes to avoid

This is not a theoretical argument. Most of what I read is either so generic it's obvious or so narrow it's irrelevant. Exit interview? 7 things to share. Many of us think of exit interviews as purely perfunctory.

Exit interview? 7 things to share

Whether you've been laid off or found a better job, your attention naturally gravitates towards the days ahead of you rather than behind. But in a tight job market, the odds are good you'll work with some of these folks in the future. That means you don't want to bash your boss, company or co-workers in a way that screams "disgruntled employee. " Demonstrating insight about your time there conveys to the HR person (and likely management) that you're someone who might be valuable in another situation. What you can learn from making mistakes. Mary Mazzio, a documentary filmmaker, is used to getting knocked down. Years ago as an elite rower, she was cut from the U.S. Olympic team multiple times before making it to the 1992 games.

When she started working as a lawyer, her first performance evaluation said she might lack the intellectual heft to succeed at her firm. Mazzio went on to make partner. Now, in her most recent career, she just saw the premiere of her new film, The Apple Pushers, about New York's Green Cart initiative to bring produce to underserved neighborhoods. Don't get too attached to what you lose. Have a back-up plan. Be more prepared than you need to be. Keep cool in front of your team. 4 Good Reasons To Leave Your Job Now - CBS

Last Updated Jun 29, 2011 3:55 PM EDT Last week, Mercer announced that a new study found 32 percent of 2,400 workers surveyed were "seriously considering" leaving their jobs.

4 Good Reasons To Leave Your Job Now - CBS

Disrupt Yourself - Whitney Johnson. “Are you sure you aren’t making a mistake?”

Disrupt Yourself - Whitney Johnson

I had just announced to one of my dearest friends that I planned to walk away from Wall Street and my seven-figure salary. “Yes, I’m sure.” But was I? Years earlier, I had moved to New York City with a degree in music and a husband who was beginning a Ph.D. program. My first job, and the best job I could get, had been as a secretary at a brokerage house. In leaving Wall Street, I was not only walking away from the money that came with my position, but from a certain level of prestige and power as well. Notwithstanding the considerable career and financial (I am the primary breadwinner) risks involved, it was time to leave my comfortable perch and become an entrepreneur.

Six years into my mid-career move, here are some lessons learned from my personal disruptive trajectory: If it feels scary and lonely, you’re probably on the right track The term “disruptive innovation” has become an industry buzzword.