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US Law and ratio legis. Net neutrality is finally real, or at least will be in a few months.

US Law and ratio legis

Cisco helping China abuse human rights! ISPs violating net neutrality rule? « Marvin Ammori & Blocage à l'anglaise. C'est la règle à Hollywood : tout se finit toujours bien.

Blocage à l'anglaise

Mais pas forcément pour tout le monde. Hier, c'est l'Internet sans blocage qui en a fait les frais. Dans un arrêté , la justice britannique a ordonné à l'opérateur de télécoms BT Group - premier fournisseur d'accès en Grande Bretagne avec plus de cinq millions d'abonnés - de bloquer l'accès au site Newzbin2, après une requête de la Motion Picture Association (MPA). Le groupe qui défend les intérêts des studios de cinéma d'Hollywood: Fox, Universal, Warner Bros., Sony, Paramount et Walt Disney, vient ainsi de gagner le deuxième round de son combat contre ce site faisant office de moteur de recherche censé faciliter le téléchargement d'oeuvres, et en particulier de films, protégées par les droits d'auteur. Autrefois basé en Grande-Bretagne, Newsbin a été interdit en mars 2010, à la suite d'une plainte de la MPA. Lire les réactions à cet article. Hollywood Forces BT to Block File Sharing Website.

US film studios this week won a landmark victory in the UK high court which forced BT, the UK’s largest internet service provider, to stop access to Newzbin2 a popular and illegal file-sharing website.

Hollywood Forces BT to Block File Sharing Website.

The victory by the Motion Picture Association, a body which is made up of Paramount, Disney, Fox and Warner Bros, will be seen by the movie industry as setting a precedent for future broad scale blocking of all file-sharing sites that are illegal and which they believe costs their industry billions of dollars every year. In his ruling Justice Arnold noted that BT was aware of people on this site using their internet service to defy copyright and was aware that its users were breaking the law on a massive scale in the transferring of television and film files. “actually helpful and we welcome it because it clarifies a complex area of law and shows that rights holders can use the copyright laws in this country. Ghettoization Internet w/ real NN. Technology used by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and regulatory decisions have shaped the Internet in ways that create nuanced divisions in what people can access.

Ghettoization Internet w/ real NN

According to a paper out Monday from The New America Foundation, the dangers of current evolution of the Internet are that the World Wide Web becomes segregated by what people are allowed to access and the cost of that access. It’s something I’ve been saying for years here in the U.S. when discussing the merits of using mobile broadband as an answer to the lack of real wireline competition, but the New America report takes it further. Anti-NN PICTURE. YouTube Tax request to EC. Canadian NN provision. Two of the leading issues before the CRTC - over-the-top video and usage based billing - have come together as Shaw has announced plans to launch a new online movie service designed to compete with Netflix.

Canadian NN provision

Subscribers to the service, which will cost $12 per month, will be able to watch on their TV and computer. Most notably, Shaw says that the service will not count against subscriber data caps. Given the problems users of over-the-top video services have encountered with the caps, the Shaw approach places the spotlight on the CRTC net neutrality guidelines and undue preference rules. India uses PRC softw for mobile monitoring. The Indian government is teaming up with Chinese tech giant Huawei to search imported smartphones and communications devices for signs of malware and spyware.

India uses PRC softw for mobile monitoring

However, some Indians are nervous because of Huawei's close ties to the People's Liberation Army and fear that the firm could be complicit in cyberattacks. Hypocritic hole in China's Firewall. Dutch Net Neutrality Law. Big news out of the Netherlands this week, where a government minister announced plans to guarantee network neutrality by law.

Dutch Net Neutrality Law

If Parliament approves the amendment to Dutch telecommunications law, and it's expected to do so, it would become one of the first countries in the world to legislate against Internet providers who want to charge more for using particular applications or services. What led to the change? A classic case of overreaching. It has been an open secret in Europe for some time that mobile operators like to block or discriminate against Internet services which compete with their legacy offerings. Skype and similar voice services are the most obvious targets, but newer tools like WhatsApp (which offers text-messaging style communications over the Internet) have also been targets. Mark my words: if measures to enhance competition are not enough to bring Internet providers to offer real consumer choice, I am ready to prohibit the blocking of lawful services or applications. Alarm over EU 'Great Firewall' proposal. The closed meeting was held in February, but the minutes have only gained attention this week after being published online.

Alarm over EU 'Great Firewall' proposal

The Pirate Bay: “The Battle of Internets is About to Begin” Talks on implementing a Europe-wide firewall to censor and block 'illicit' websites has caused concern among many Internet users in recent weeks, and today one of the targeted sites has joined the discussion.

The Pirate Bay: “The Battle of Internets is About to Begin”

Quoting one of Churchill’s most famous speeches, The Pirate Bay team is rallying the public to defend the free Internet and end the threat posed by the entertainment industries' copyright lobby. In February, a secret meeting of the European Union’s Law Enforcement Work Party (LEWP) resulted in a worrying proposal. FAI – La stratégie du pourrissement. La plupart des internautes français le constatent : Youtube rame complètement.

FAI – La stratégie du pourrissement

Impossible depuis plusieurs semaines de lire correctement une vidéo en 360p et je ne vous parle même pas de la HD. J'ai constaté ce problème sur ma connexion perso (free), puis après avoir fait un petit sondage sur Twitter en demandant aux gens de me faire une capture écran de cette page, je sais quels sont les FAI qui rencontrent un souci avec Youtube : Broadcast Yourself. Dropbox Attempts To Kill Open Source Project. Image via Wikipedia.