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Live Sound Services Music Recording Studio, TSC / TRINITY SOUND COMPANY Ontario, CA Grounding. Improper grounding can create a lethal hazard.

Live Sound Services Music Recording Studio, TSC / TRINITY SOUND COMPANY Ontario, CA Grounding

Even if you advert danger, ground loops are the most common cause of AC line frequency hum in sound systems. So it pays to learn about grounding, and use what you learn. What is a ground loop? A ground loop occurs when there is more than one ground connection path between two pieces of equipment. The duplicate ground paths form the equivalent of a loop antenna which very efficiently picks up interference currents. Can ground loops be eliminated? Sometimes, in poorly designed sound equipment, ground loops occur inside the chassis. You should avoid unbalanced equipment in your system. Figure 1 illustrates a typical ground loop situation. Ground loop problems and how to get rid of them. Written and copyright by Tomi Engdahl 1997-2013 NOTE: The information presented here is believed to be correct and is made available here by the author.

Ground loop problems and how to get rid of them

The author of this document is not liable for any effect this information or any use thereof may have. The documents have been used and recommended by many people and are belived to be accurate. So accurate that they have also been featured as GB AUDIO Ground loops DATA SHEET on their web pages (with permission from me). Basics The dilemma is that solving "noise" problems is an art within itself. A good power distribution system is essential for proper operation of audio system. Ground loop is a condition where an unintended connection to ground is made through an interfering electrical conductor. When two or more devices are connected to a common ground through different paths, a ground loop occurs.

The bottom line is that a perfect "quiet" ground does not exist. Ground loop problems can be corrected and avoided. General topics Design tips. Why Your MP3s Sound Bad: High-Resolution Audio Explained - Better Sound, Vinyl, and FLAC. More Data Means Better Sound QualityOkay, so bigger files sound better, but what does that really mean?

Why Your MP3s Sound Bad: High-Resolution Audio Explained - Better Sound, Vinyl, and FLAC

Young said in the interview that when an artist creates something, the master could be 100 percent great, but the consumer is only getting 5 percent of it with an MP3 file. That's mostly true in absolute terms—a 128Kbps MP3 file can take anywhere from one-tenth to one-twentieth the space of an average raw, uncompressed CD track. Professors in professional audio programs have a trick lately of showing students what happens when you take an original waveform, overlay an MP3 version, and then strip the MP3 data away; you still see a lot of audible data left: This is how much you're losing with MP3 files!

In reality, most of the crucial data is there—enough to give a convincing, if not particularly pleasant sounding, representation of a recording. For most listeners most of the time, especially when they're listening while doing other things, this is plenty. Vinyl is a conundrum. Home Studio Corner. Recording Website. Home Recording Forums. Forum Just starting?

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