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Home of the Best Free FLStudio Producer Edition Tutorials - FLSt 17 Free VST Plugin Websites ( Free VST Downloads ) ( Free VSTs ) Here are 17 websites where you can get tons of free VST plugins. It may take some time to pick and choose what you want on these sites, but the free sounds are worth the effort. For those who do not know, VST plugins that are virtual instruments. Note: I suggest you come up with a plan right away on how you want to organize these free VST instruments. Follow Hip Hop Makers on Facebook: Here is a great tutorial on installing VST plugins in FL Studio by NFX @ – Warbeats Tutorial – Installing VST plugins Enjoy these free plugins for fl studio, or what ever music software you are using. Please Share to Help Us Grow! This window will close automatically in 15 seconds. Your support is appreciated and encourages us to do more. Do you sell beats or need a music website? or wait 12s

How to Develop Groove in Your Playing Groove gives music life. It has an influence on others that gets them moving and swaying and dancing to the music. It makes music more memorable, and is one of the ingredients that evokes emotions in others. How to Drum defines it like this: “Groove is basically the swing and flow of a beat or song. If a beat has a good feel to it, it has good groove.” Learning to feel what you’re playing, and play with feel is an important step for every musician. Learning to play with groove comes with experience - it is a skill that needs to be learned. 1. Music is made up of recurring patterns of beats - most commonly patterns of four. How to Drum explains: Before you can start grooving to any beat, you must feel the pulse of the pattern. 2. If you want others to move to your music, it helps if you move to it yourself. Tommy Emmanuel plays with incredible groove, and in his tutorial videos recommends moving as you play your instrument as the key ingredient for playing with groove. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Why Your MP3s Sound Bad: High-Resolution Audio Explained - Better Sound, Vinyl, and FLAC More Data Means Better Sound QualityOkay, so bigger files sound better, but what does that really mean? Young said in the interview that when an artist creates something, the master could be 100 percent great, but the consumer is only getting 5 percent of it with an MP3 file. That's mostly true in absolute terms—a 128Kbps MP3 file can take anywhere from one-tenth to one-twentieth the space of an average raw, uncompressed CD track. Professors in professional audio programs have a trick lately of showing students what happens when you take an original waveform, overlay an MP3 version, and then strip the MP3 data away; you still see a lot of audible data left: This is how much you're losing with MP3 files! In reality, most of the crucial data is there—enough to give a convincing, if not particularly pleasant sounding, representation of a recording. Switch to a FLAC file, and all of the above flaws go away. Vinyl and the 'Old High-End'So how does vinyl fit into all this?

Hip Hop Producer DJ Equipment News, Beats, Samples, Drums How Can I Set Up a Home Recording Studio on the Cheap? 10 Ways to Get More People to Your Next Gig For an up-and-coming band every gig is a vital step toward your success. Your shows are where you get the chance to prove yourself. They are your opportunity to do what you do best. A good gig can also have a ripple effect, securing you a loyal fan base and ensuring good crowds at future shows. With that in mind, I’ve put together a list of ways you can make sure you have a full house at your next gig. 1. Don’t wait until a week before your gig to start advertising. 2. You have to have them. One way you can get some great art done for little money is checking out high school and junior college art departments. However, even if you can only go the old-fashioned route of hand-drawing a flyer and photocopying it on eye-catching colored paper, do it. Make sure everyone in the band has stacks and that they’re giving them out, hanging them up, and making them available. 3. These people can be your best allies as you start your career. 4. Technology is one of the most powerful tools you have.

Ground loop problems and how to get rid of them Written and copyright by Tomi Engdahl 1997-2013 NOTE: The information presented here is believed to be correct and is made available here by the author. The author of this document is not liable for any effect this information or any use thereof may have. The documents have been used and recommended by many people and are belived to be accurate. Basics The dilemma is that solving "noise" problems is an art within itself. A good power distribution system is essential for proper operation of audio system. Ground loop is a condition where an unintended connection to ground is made through an interfering electrical conductor. When two or more devices are connected to a common ground through different paths, a ground loop occurs. The bottom line is that a perfect "quiet" ground does not exist. Usually ground loops are an after-the-fact type of problem in which the end-user blames the installer, the installer blames the manufacturer, and actually nobody is at fault. General topics Data networks

Basic Home Recording Setup Apr 05 This article was inspired by Emily (Em) and the fact that a lot of people are writing good material, but just not recording them. Many of you will have a computer, but little or no studio type software or hardware. But don’t worry - this article will show you how to make the most of your home computer for recording. First of all, This article is aimed at the very beginner level. Computer Setup The most basic would be a line in cable connecting your amplifier out / earphone jack to the line in port (usually blue) on the computer. The final method involves using an audio interface that you plug a guitar or amp into and then this connects to your PC via USB or Firewire. Once you have decided on a means to get your audio into the computer, lets now look towards the guitar and amplifier end. Whilst this is fine for line input from an mp3 player / cd player to your computer, it’s not going to be much use for home recording. You will see a window like the following. Audio Interfaces

Live Sound Services Music Recording Studio, TSC / TRINITY SOUND COMPANY Ontario, CA Grounding Improper grounding can create a lethal hazard. Even if you advert danger, ground loops are the most common cause of AC line frequency hum in sound systems. So it pays to learn about grounding, and use what you learn. What is a ground loop? A ground loop occurs when there is more than one ground connection path between two pieces of equipment. Can ground loops be eliminated? Sometimes, in poorly designed sound equipment, ground loops occur inside the chassis. You should avoid unbalanced equipment in your system. Figure 1 illustrates a typical ground loop situation. Comparison of digital audio editors The following tables compare general and technical information among a number of digital audio editors and multitrack recording software. Please see the individual products articles for further information. General[edit] Basic general information about the software: creator/company, license/price etc. Plugin support[edit] The plugin types the software can run natively (without emulation). File format support[edit] The various file types the software can read/write. Notes[edit]

The Basics of Music Production, Lesson 1: Set Up Your Home Studio
