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18 Reason Tutorials That Cover All the Bases. Reason is both a sequencer for creating music, and a sound source that can be rewired to other DAWs.

18 Reason Tutorials That Cover All the Bases

Last week’s article explored Logic's history and features. This week, we will learn how to use it. Because there are several ways of using the program, there are an abundance of tutorials available on the Internet, including sites dedicated to Reason tutorials (for example, and Some deal with using Reason as a MIDI sequencer, others with programming Reason's synthesizers, and still others with using the various sound source ReFills.

Here is a balance of tutorials covering the different aspects of Reason from Youtube and Audiotuts+. Reason Music: Create a Virtual Symphony Orchestra, Easily. Following on from the article Reason a Thousand (Bargain) Instruments in One.: A Thousand (Bargain) Instruments in One, that describes how the music sequencer and sound bank software Reason can help musicians expand their creative horizons, here is a brief guide on how to use the resources within that program to create a realistic, full-scale orchestral soundscape.

Reason Music: Create a Virtual Symphony Orchestra, Easily

Although this article is written specifically with Reason in mind, most of the advice is exportable to all mainstream sequencing and sound production software that provides orchestral sounds. The Virtual Orchestra Template The first task is to set up a working template. The set up should aim at imitating the layout of orchestral instruments on a stage, and at realistically portraying their relative volumes. Fruity loops 9 tutorial, playlist. Music Theory For Songwriters. Teoría - Music Theory Web.