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This Lego Drum Machine Turns Bricks Into Beats. Iterator. Galerie – Street View – Google Maps. Gadgets japonais et Arts insolites.


< 242.pilots > EXCLUSIVE: The gadgets of 2025: Frog unveils vision of the future. What if you could peek into the future? Other than changing your investment strategy, you might want to know how the gadgets and tech we use will change. Yahoo could die a slow death …or become the next powerhouse. Apple might continue to dominate, or the phone and a tablet we use today could become the dinosaurs of tomorrow. We asked legendary design firm Frog to tell us what the future will look like. The firm developed these concepts after brainstorming with their most brilliant thinkers.

What if you could peek into the future? Other than changing your investment strategy, you might want to know how the gadgets and tech we use will change. Technology defines our culture, and it will define it even more in the future. For three days, met with Frog, the global design and innovation firm in San Francisco that helped shape the original Mac computers and many of the most popular gadgets we use. “I want one!” Smart PlayKids will get bored in the future – that’s easy to predict!