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Baby Clothes to Doll Clothes -- TUTORIAL. My sister has four daughters, and when my daughter was born I inherited quite a pile of baby girl clothes. There was certainly much more than one little girl could ever use! Those same nieces are very much into their baby dolls, so what better way to utilize some of those baby clothes than to turn them into dolly clothes? As an added bonus, the dolls will never grow out of their clothes, PLUS it is so fun for the girls to put the same clothes on their dolls that they themselves used to wear!

Here I will show you a super simple way to make doll pajamas! STEP ONE: Supplies! You need a doll, baby pajamas, LOTS of pins, a good pair of scissors, and your sewing machine. STEP TWO: Turn the pajamas inside out and put it on your doll. STEP THREE: Pin around the doll. STEP FOUR: Carefully remove the pajamas, taking care not to lose or poke yourself with any pins. STEP FIVE: Sew exactly on the line where you pinned, taking out pins as you go. STEP EIGHT: Put your jammies on your doll! Sculpting Ears. This is a post for Jo who requested info on doing ears. Great illustration of the outer ear parts from: I made these large enough to show the detailing better. Form a wedge shaped oval of clay.

Attach the clay to the head by ramping the clay toward the front of the face. Undercut and seam the rest of the ear to the side of the head. The ear tapers toward the front of the face. The outer helix of the ear is created by pressing a tool down and under the outer ear to form the scapha. The complete first step. Continue the outer arc of the ear into the inner ear while pushing the extra clay back toward the back of the head forming the concha. A ramp runs from the front of the ear down into the inner ear canal forming the external auditory meatus. Place a tool in the ear canal and pull down and turn out to establish the depression of the canal and the flap, tragus, in front of the ear opening (part 1). Shape the bottom of the lobe. Notice how the ear blends into the face area. Patterns. How to Size Doll Eyes. .facebook_-16743542. View topic - WIP OOAK 20.5" Baby boy. Take a peek! Jessie finita - crazycreationsgallerys jimdo page! Cominciamo da zero... Bene, sabato mi sono sentita ispirata ed ho iniziato a creare una serie di occhi fatati... questo è il risultato, l'iride è di 2mm... questa sarà la base della mia nuova O.o.a.k.

Chiassà quali occhi avrà... Eccolo, ieri ho fatto il visino... inserito gli occhi grigi, han catturato troppo la mia attenzione... Ho firmato la nuca... si sa mai mettiamo esca carina... Eccola, da "cruda" era così... effetto cyborg... che impressione con gli occhioni solo posati... bella vispa... dopo tanto faticare l'ho finitaaaaaaaaaa è un po' cappellona, colpa della parrucchiera un po' inesperta... Ciglia finte applicate. un particolare delle mani che mi han fatto venire i capelli bianchi!! Ecco foto d'insieme, tutto fatto da me, accessori in cotone fatti ad uncinetto, plexiglas lavorato a cubi e panca apribile fatta in legno e decoupata su mia idea... e anche il pagliaccio fatto da me , la scatolina è 2cmX2cm effetto cracklè antichizzato.

OOAK Clay Babies by Jennie Lee — weebabies nursery. Login - Lady of the One Ring. » Morezmore #28 Raspberry – OOAK Doll 1:6 Scale (Part 1)*** Posted By Natasha Red October on September 24, 2012 Hello, my friends. I am starting a new doll – A sassy Russian beauty, inspired by the 19th century painting “At the village outskirts” by the famous Russian artist Konstantin Makovsky (1839-1915). I came across this painting by accident and fell in love with the beautiful girl, her self-assured attitude, and her stunning costume. The doll will be a joy to create, I just know it. As all the dolls come to this world naked, for anatomy reference, at suggestion of my friend, I took another painting of a nude “Russian Venus” by another famous Russian artist Boris Kustodiev (1878 – 1927).

Here is the result of my research for the costume: Mom remembered that she had a picture of Russian embroidered boots that she took during a visit to a museum a while ago and she sent me the picture. The doll size will be in 1:6 scale – 11″ tall. Wire Armature (skeleton): <a target="_blank" href=" . Tube cutter. Pinterest. Tutorial- fimo liquid wings - ali con fimo liquid.


Activity – international ooak art 'Doll Makers Academy and Association. Mouth carving | polymer clay tuts 2. Pinterest. Pinterest. Bienvenue sur Facebook. Connectez-vous, inscrivez-vous ou découvrez ! Изготовление куклы из полимерных пластиков. Лепим голову куклы: череп, глаза, нос, щеки, рот, подбородок, челюсть, шею. | Рукоделие и хобби. Видео, фото: как сделать, сшить, связать своими руками. Дата: 28 мая 2010. Опубликовал: Редакция журнала Трозо.Ру – это бесценный опыт людей, которые передадут вам свои знания с помощью видео уроков. Мы уже писали, как рассчитать пропорции лица и подготовиться к работе над куклой из пластики. В этой статье будет рассказано, как лепить голову. Изготовление основы головы (черепа) из фольги. Для изготовления головы куклы, сделайте основу в виде черепа из пищевой фольги.

От рулона фольги оторвите полосу, длиной примерно 1 -1,5 м (в зависимости от размера куклы). Затем придайте шару форму яйца. Равномерными, мягкими надавливаниями уплотните шар до необходимого размера. Со стороны лица голова имеет плоскую форму. Надавливанием больших пальцев на заготовке выразите височную кость. Определите линию расположения глаз. По линии расположения глаз при помощи инструмента сделайте углубления (глазницы). Определите середину ширины лица по линии глаз и отложите в обе стороны (вправо и влево) от середины отрезки, равные диаметру одного глаза. Голова. Глаза. 1.