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The Scientific Reason Why Bullets Are Bad for Presentations. You’ve probably heard this advice before: Don’t use bullet points in your presentations. But do you know why presentation design experts are so adamantly opposed to the bullet point format? Here’s the simple, but perhaps surprising, explanation to why bullet points are bad for presentations: Bullet points make information more difficult to remember, especially when the bullet point lists are accompanied with auditory information. This is not a conjecture; it is backed by credible research. The Value of Visualizations In 2014, the International Journal of Business Communication published the results from The Use of Visualization in the Communication of Business Strategies, a study designed to gather empirical evidence regarding whether the use of visualization is superior to text in the communication of business strategies. The results of that experiment confirmed that lists of text are ineffective for presentations.

Slides with visuals are undeniably more effective than slides with text. Etudes et Analyses. Abonnez-vous Consultez toutes nos études & analyses sectorielles en illimité ! À partir de29.95€ sans engagement de durée Voir les offres Credit photo : PowerPoint Inutile de le présenter! PowerPoint est LE logiciel de présentation par excellence, en entreprise comme chez les étudiants. Son point fort : Ses nombreuses options, et le fait qu'il est déjà installé sur de nombreux ordinateurs, PC comme Mac Prezi Si Prezi grignote des parts de marché à PowerPoint, c'est grâce à son approche simplifiée à l'extrême qui a séduit de nombreux étudiants (et de plus en plus d'entreprises). Son point fort : Pas besoin d'installer un logiciel ; des effets de transition particulièrement réussis. Bunkr Présenté comme un « PowerPoint killer », il faut avouer que Bunkr a de quoi sérieusement secouer le marché des outils de présentation.

Son point fort : A tester si vous êtes particulièrement à l'aise sur internet Google Slides SlideRocket EWC Presenter OpenOffice Impress Knovio The Best Tools to Enhance Your Content Strategy. PREZI. Nos conseils pour réussir vos présentations PowerPoint. Why most presentations suck. : frise chronologique historique : creer, imprimer, modifier et generer pdf, excel, openoffice. How One Presenter Got 1 Million Views on SlideShare. 1 million views on SlideShare: Can you reach that? Facebook content strategist Jonathon Colman thinks so. The SlideShare power user recently hit 1 million views on SlideShare. “With the right methods and approach, just about anyone can reach 1 million views on SlideShare,” he wrote in a post on his blog.

It took Colman 37 SlideShares over seven years to hit the 1 million mark, joining about 1,000 other SlideShare users who’ve done so, too. He uploaded his first deck — a presentation on leveraging social networks – in July 2007. His most popular presentation, part of a SlideShare upload campaign, is “What I Carry: 10 Tools for Success,” which has fetched more than 307,000 views.

At Colman offers tips for hitting 1 million views on SlideShare: -Invest Time in the SlideShare Community “SlideShare isn’t just a repository for PowerPoint files. Colman has favorited more than 3,000 presentations and followed more than 2,400 accounts. Jonathon Colman -Better Your Decks by Learning From Others.