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New Tab. 20 Fun, Obscure Facts About ‘Scrubs' That You Might Not Know. Ask most people what the best sitcom of the modern era is, and they’ll probably say Seinfeld or Arrested Development. I wouldn’t disagree with them. Ask an egghead (or Josh), and they’ll probably say something like The Simpsons or even NewsRadio. I wouldn’t disagree with them, either. But while I appreciate that it may not be the best sitcom of the modern era, Scrubs is still my favorite. The show really doesn’t get the respect that it deserves. Scrubs was a brilliant show not just because of the Turk Dance (BUT THAT TOO), but because it gave us real people grappling with real problems and, of course, the greatest bromance in the history of television. I put together the 20 obscure facts and interesting trivia about the show, really, as an excuse to show appreciation again for one of the best, funniest, and emotionally rich sitcoms of the modern era. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

I want more like this! Easy Philly Cream Cheese Recipes & Cooking Tips – Appetizers, Entrees, Desserts & Healthy Recipes | Kraft Philly. Best Indie Love Songs. It’s almost Valentine’s Day! You know, that holiday manufactured to remind those of us who are in relationships we shouldn’t take the love we have for granted and to rub it in for the single folks that they’re going to be spending another February 14th alone. Whether you’re on your own out there or spending the 30th Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart, we here at Spectrum Culture have decided to pick our 10 favorite indie love songs from the past decade. The requirements? The song had to come out between 2000-09 and could not be on a label owned by a major. I hope you enjoy our selections. 10. 9. The final three verses feature the stone dreaming of medieval times, with the love interest becoming a princess being courted by numerous suitors, only to choose a “knave” from long ago. 8.

To be honest, I’m just now listening to the lyrics with a serious ear. 7. 6. 5. Oberst sure pours it on early, though. 4. But none of that matters when the chorus kicks in. 3. 2. 1. Ueno Park, Sakura. Picture perfect for this picnic. Wish I could have sat down and joined in. Beautiful Sakura. So many people enjoying themselves, whether they were sitting down and drinking or just walking on by. Japanese life under the Sakura wave The empty bottles are lined up, the drawings left behind. Cameras out in force to document the great scene for many. Lots of happy hanami revelers. Plenty of blue tarpaulin laid out for the lucky ones who have reserved their spot. Rilakkuma slippers waiting for their owners to claim the space. Somebody get that dog a beer ! So many different groups of people coming together to watch the sakura.

The sakura trees seem to come together to form a sea of cherry blossoms. The crowds always come to Ueno Park to see the sakura at this time of year. Local Shrine with some nice red color. As at any good matsuri, there is always plenty to eat. A mixture of many things. Tasty corn ready to go. These looked really tasty. Lots of heads bobbing along the road. Pretty in pink. Neil Patrick Harris prank calls Mekhi Phifer. How to Make Badass Brownies with Kir Jensen.

Become a Lord, Laird or Lady. 22 Unconventional Gifts To Show Someone You Love Them. Philip Phillips "Home" Lyrics. Clipse - Gangsta Lean. Beloved One (Acoustic) by Ben Harper. Wish List: 20 Gifts Under $50. One Up Pencil Sets"The dude abides" and other unforgettable phrases, song titles, and pop-culture icons make these No. 2s from One Up Designs the hipster stocking stuffer of the year.$6 | One Up Pencil SetsPaper PunkThe love child of Lego and origami, these punch-and-build kits let you create desk or tree ornaments, sans scissors and glue. $10-19 | Paper PunkNerf N-Strike Elite Hail-Fire BlasterPro: The highest-capacity Nerf gun ever, with eight clips that hold up to 144 foam slugs you can shoot as far as 75 feet. Con: postbattle cleanup. (Will somebody invent a foam-dart Roomba, already?) $40 | Nerf N-Strike Elite Hail-Fire BlasterMakerBot MixtapeLeave it to the folks at MakerBot to make mixtapes collectible again. The "tape" is actually a 3-D-printed MP3 player that can hold 2 GB of audio.

Just plug in your headphones and press Play. Photo. DIY Wrap Bracelet. You should all know by now that we are all about stacking bracelets on our wrists. The more, the better. In fact . . . the most, the best! With that being said, we’ll show you how to master a version of the ever so popular wrap bracelet. It’s so simple and addicting, you’ll soon be churning out these wristlets with your eyes closed. Clearly this arm party train isn’t stopping and it’s about time you get on board! You’ll need (for a double wrapped bracelet) :* Lengths will vary depending on the size of your wrist (see comments for suggestions).

Fold the length of leather cording in half to form a loop. Place the ball chain along the leather cording with the end of the chain meeting the end of the wrap. Continue wrapping while checking it for fit around the wrist. When you have reached the end of the ball chain wrap the linen cording around the leather strands 2-3 more times. Thread the hex nut through the strands and tie a second knot. Trim with scissors and your wrap bracelet is finished!!