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Service custodian. “Let's imagine a pretty world of SOA-happiness where the computing needs of an enterprise are split into many small applications that provide services to each other to allow effective collaboration. One fine morning a consumer service needs some information from a supplier service.” Martin Fowler sets the stage for problems that face any multi-business-unit SOA infrastructure. In an ideal world the developers of the consumer service just asks the supplier service to develop the potential service and all is dandy.

But life is not ideal - the sticking point here is that the developers of the supplier service have other things to do, usually things that are more important to their customer and management than helping out the consumer service team. Martin points to an example of a real world solution to the problem, employed by colleague Erik Dörnenburg. They took a leaf out of the open source play-book and made all their services into internal open source systems. SSW Rules to Better ... Good standup meetings. One of the most simple and yet most talked-about agile practices is the Daily Stand Up Meeting (a.k.a. Scrum). On the scrumdevelopment mailing list, Jeff Martin asked the group: I have searched and can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I'm sure I'm just not using the right terms.

That question elicited varied remarks. 1) Don't be late yourself (duh). Artem Marchenko suggested that the rules of the Daily Stand Up are so simple that they won't be much help: Minimal daily scrums are that simple that concrete script won't probably be of much help. Scott Weber suggested a script that looks something like this (by the way, many did not agree with Scott and thought this suggestion was too much on the command-and-control side): Scrum Master: Scot, what did you accomplish yesterday? Along the way, several good articles discussing Daily Stand Ups were referenced. A Daily Stand Up Meeting seems so simple in concept, but is not easy for many teams to adopt. Revisiting The Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering. Google's Engineering Philosophy. Whatever happened to code reviews?

Whatever happened to code reviews? I have read an argument that a programming language can enforce good programming style by restricting programmers to constructions and mechanisms that are deemed worthy, or perhaps are restricted to a small set so that there is an enforced consistency in a code base. (I am not talking about using compilers to detect bugs or memory management being used to prevent bugs, I am talking about programming languages that do not permit certain kinds of abstractions outright). The premise of the argument is that if programmers are constrained to a single, universal “good style,” good programs will result. responsibility and authority cannot be decoupled from each other In many other forms of management, people have attempted to automate the manager out of a job.

Many things have been written about whether that works or doesn’t work for software developers. A false sense of security And so it is with enforcing “good style” with a programming language. Code Complete.