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ÚLTIMAS NOTICIAS | Spain. Economía colaborativa /colaborative consumption. Software Colaborativo. Rachel Botsman: The case for collaborative consumption. The 4 Elements of Social Capitalism. All of us have been enabled to use social media as the means to build social capital that enhances our individual and our collective economies. Each of our benefits can be significantly enhanced if the “system” of social media is continuously improved. Improvement will only come if we all learn to use appropriate and relevant knowledge to improve the value social media affords us. For our individual and collective “economic systems” to improve each of us must learn to apply methods that improve our social currency as we chart our course aimed at results we want to produce.

Improvement of any system requires knowledge. The elements of knowledge required to improve the use of social media are: 1. People must understand the system he or she is attempting to manage. System optimization requires coordination and cooperation of the parts which requires cooperation. 2. Engaging in social media is not the proposition that creates value for people, the exchange of knowledge is the primary value.

The Sharing Economy. Future Positive » Gift Economy. This single page contains words and links related to the gift economy that have been posted here at Future Positive and at CommUnity of Minds. Also see: GIFTegrity, Read the Scientific Basis for the GIFTegrity, and the Specifications for a GIFTegrity. The Hacker Milieu as Gift Culture by Eric Steven Raymond To understand the role of reputation in the open-source culture, it is helpful to move from history further into anthropology and economics, and examine the difference between exchange cultures and gift cultures.

Human beings have an innate drive to compete for social status; it’s wired in by our evolutionary history. Most ways humans have of organizing are adaptations to scarcity and want. The simplest way is the command hierarchy. Our society is predominantly an exchange economy. Most people have implicit mental models for both of the above, and how they interact with each other. Gift cultures are adaptations not to scarcity but to abundance. The Joy of Hacking Not really.

Entanglement ( personas / metaconstructs ) Entrepreneurship. Knowledge entrepreneurship. Knowledge entrepreneurship describes the ability to recognize or create an opportunity and take action aimed at realizing an innovative knowledge practice or product. Knowledge entrepreneurship is different from ‘traditional’ economic entrepreneurship in that it does not aim at the realization of monetary profit, but focuses on opportunities with the goal to improve the production (research) and throughput of knowledge (as in personal transformation[1]), rather than to maximize monetary profit.

It has been argued that knowledge entrepreneurship is the most suitable form of entrepreneurship for not-for-profit educators, researchers and educational institutions. The Information / Knowledge Entrepreneurship[edit] Following Clark[2][3]“entrepreneurial” can be used as a characteristic not only applied to individuals, but to organizations as social systems, as well as to projects.

Model of knowledge entrepreneurship. Information / Knowledge Entrepreneurship : state-of-the-art[edit] | Home. Visual programming. Trabajo Colaborativo. Gestion de Proyectos. ‪Canal de CultIndCali‬‏ ¿Qué es el aprendizaje colaborativo?

Emprendedor. Emprendedor es un término derivado de la palabra francesa entrepreneur, y que es comúnmente usado para describir a un individuo que organiza y opera una o varias empresas, asumiendo cierto riesgo financiero en el emprendimiento. Fue definido por primera vez por el economista anglofrancés Richard Cantillon como «la persona que paga un cierto precio para revender un producto a un precio incierto, por ende tomando decisiones acerca de obtención y uso de recursos, admitiendo consecuentemente el riesgo en el emprendimiento».

Otros estudiosos han definido este término de distintas maneras, entre ellas: 1803: Jean-Baptiste Say: Un emprendedor es un agente económico que une todos los medios de producción. La tierra de uno, el trabajo de otro y el capital de un tercero y produce un producto. Mediante la venta de un producto en el mercado, paga la renta de la tierra, el salario de sus empleados, interés en el capital y su provecho es el remanente. Contexto actual y desarrollo[editar] Entrepreneur. Creation or extraction of economic value Entrepreneurship is the creation or extraction of economic value.[1][2][3] With this definition, entrepreneurship is viewed as change, generally entailing risk beyond what is normally encountered in starting a business, which may include other values than simply economic ones. An entrepreneur is an individual who creates and/or invests in one or more businesses, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards.[4] The process of setting up a business is known as "entrepreneurship".

The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures. In the field of economics, the term entrepreneur is used for an entity which has the ability to translate inventions or technologies into products and services.[9] In this sense, entrepreneurship describes activities on the part of both established firms and new businesses.

Perspectives on entrepreneurship[edit] Elements[edit] History[edit] Methods. Entrepreneur. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le terme entrepreneur recouvre différentes significations connexes mais distinctes : l'usage courant l'assimile à un chef d'entreprise, tantôt porteur d'un projet d'entreprise en phase de démarrage, tantôt dirigeant d'une entreprise davantage établie, à laquelle le plus souvent il s'identifie étroitement et personnellement ;l'entrepreneur correspond également à l'appellation donnée aux chefs d'entreprise du secteur du bâtiment ou des travaux publics ;en droit, l'entrepreneur (ou maître d'œuvre) désigne « la personne qui — dans un contrat d'entreprise — s'engage à effectuer un travail en réponse à la demande d'un maitre d'ouvrage ».

Le présent article traite de la première acception. La personnalité de l'entrepreneur[modifier | modifier le code] Selon une étude d'Ernst & Young, « on ne naît pas entrepreneur, on le devient »[1]. En France, l’âge moyen de l’entrepreneur est de 41 ans. 2 % des entrepreneurs ont moins de 25 ans[2]. Burton W.